Hey, I'm Cfmommy!

I hope you will enjoy my blog! Come back often, and I LOVE comments :o))))

Friday, September 01, 2006

Back to my good ole computer :)

Here I sit in my beautiful bonus room, the floors are just beautiful :)

Anyhow, my computer is back up. We bought a nice computer desk and looks so much better in here. That old computer desk was from when Mack was born...it wasn't even nice. But we stuck with it. But now I have my nice armoire (sp?) and it is so much better :) We just need to set up the furniture the right way and I need to buy an area rug for this room and also paint a feature wall. I am not sure on the color yet. I was thinking the same color as my couch as its a deep burgandy leather set but we'll see.

Today was a busy work day! We had a whole bunch of new kids start, and a whole bunch start at the Out of School care so I was busy transferring files, taking out old ones, making new ones, new emergency contact cards for thier homeroom and etc...I am going to be really running the centre alone as my boss (who also owns a Subway) is going to be spending more time there. So, I have LOTS to do. I am working on getting the centre accreddited as well. So lots of work.

Came home from work. Relaxed for a minute. The guys came to work on the stairs for the floors...it looks like really hard work. I went out with my dog. We went to Superstore to get some photos developed from my (new) camera! Love it. Then, went to Childrens Place. The jeans are on for $5.99 if anyone needs some for the kids :) But I walked around hoping to spend some money and walk away happy, instead I already own all of the stuff on sale. However, I did still manage to buy 12 pairs of socks for Kennedy, 2 pairs of shoes, 3 pairs of shorts and a shirt for Mack..$50.25! Pretty darn good. Then, I dropped of the books at the library that the kids had out, went to the bank to deposit my check from work!!!!! Then, went to the dog park...for a good hour! It was SOOOOO busy!!!!Then came home, the guys were getting ready to leave. And, here I am. Fabian will be home any time.

This weekend I have big plans to totally organize...so we'll see.

Until tomorrow,


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