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Sunday, September 03, 2006

Kids LOVE the lake!

We are very lucky! When we first bought the lot a few years ago. Both sides of us were empty. Last summer, a young family
moved their cabin to the lot next to us! They love out there all summer long. Their parents have an acutal house at the resort. So they have showers and all that there. But oterwise they have a wonderful set up. They have done so much to their lot, its just beautiful. Anyhow, the best thing about them is that they have 2 children! A boy who is 10 (mack is 9) and a girl who is 8 (kennedy is 6) so they ALWAYS hang out. Its just perfect! They kids have quads too. So, the kids actually go quadding together, have sleepovers, just on the trampoline for endless hours and just hang out at each others cabins. I see the future for them...sleeping in tents together..its so neat. Anyhow. The kids absolutely love the lake as well...
As you can see them all in the pic above. There are lots of chileren ....

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