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Tuesday, September 12, 2006

need to vent...destress...

Wow. What a day. Today was a great work day...the co-worker who has been sick for a long while now...went home sick again today after she told us about a disease that she got tested for and it was positive...I don't know the name of it but her sister has it as well and is in a wheelchair and lost use of her limbs...so she is very stressed out and was crying!

Then, I was talking to a parent (photocopying something for her) and all of the sudden..my staff in the toddler room "TARA" and I was like "yeah" and looked over and one of the girls faces...I could tell it was BAD...then the other one was like "TARA" "TARA" "TARA" and so I RAN into there...omg...here was one of our little 2 year old...BLUE...eyes shut...laying there in her arms...limp...they were freaking out crying...I said "what happend?" they said "He fell out of his chair" so I laid him on the ground...check..he was breathing...I serioulsy thought that he wasn't...I had tears streaming down my face and I said "he's breathing!!!!!" meanwhile...I was trying to get him to wake up...nothing...totally out. Unresponsive...I was rubbing his chest, arms, head, legs...calling his name...finally (finally) I said "call 911" no one could do it...I called over the out of school care owner he came over, I said CALL 911! The other staff were watching in fear...crying...ugh. So it was about 5-7 mins still no ambulance...I asked the owner of out of school care to stay with him...she was the only one collected...she was freaked out too..but being the daycare is in a school I knew that they might have gone to the school...I went out of the main street, had the phone and his emergency card, called the parent...told them to come....seen the ambulance...tried to wave them down...sure enough they went OPPOSITE down the street..chased after them...called to them...they came...he was awake laying there....no purple lips anymore :) very pale tho. ugh. So scary...mom came...took him via ambulance to the hospital...meanwhile I look at the clock...my kids are out of school!!!! omg...called the school....then when it settled down..went to their school got them.

Got home, a weird bike on the grass...then it hit me. Someone ditched their crappy little bike and stole my sons nice BMX. Sure enough. Dealt with him "I'm so stupid!!!" crying...freaking out...ugh.

Anyhow. drove around looking for his bike. His total prized possession was his bike :( and its gone...

So yeah.

Now we are off to basketball registration.



Jane said...

Any news on the daycare child???? How scary...what a day :( Kind of like an emotional rollercoaster :(

Sorry to hear about the bike :(

Hugs to you!

monique said...

omg Tara, try very hard to get some rest tonight. Please keep us updated on this little guy :( .WHY OH WHY do ppl do that , ny dd's bike (brand new) was stolen at the begining of the summer too.

Xeryfyn said...

:( Oh Tara (((HUG))) I am so sorry to hear how scary and upsetting your day was :(

Unknown said...

Tara, Just wanted to send you a hug. How scary for you! I hope that he is doing ok and that you were able to rest some. So sorry to hear about the bike as well.
