Hey, I'm Cfmommy!

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Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Might as well blog! being that is going to be A LOOOOOONG night :(

Kennedy is up....well WAS up...she is here now beside me in bed. I am on the laptop. And she is on my side. She has been coughing non-stop. Puking...ugh.

I have tried to go to bed several times now. I don't want to sound selfish or anything but I am soooo frickin tired after all the stuff yesturday. Today was busy...Kennedy was coughing frequent earlier. I sent her to her dance class and told them to call me if she was coughing too much. No call. Left her puffer and water bottle. They gave her both. But the coughing just hasn't stopped. Weird. I am so super tired. I am fighting to stay awake. She was just bawling, as she has been trying to go to sleep too. She is coughing so much that she hasn't been able to stay awake. So she is miserable..and frusterated and ya can't blame her. She was crying "I am tired" and "I want to go to sleep". Its not fair...I can't give her anything for it. You aren't suppose to supress her cough. But man, it is soooooooo tempting. How can she get better with no sleep/rest????

Well ladies and gentlemen..we have ourselves a record...8 mins and NO coughing...holy! I should have caught THOSE few minutes to sleep. Guess Fabe is sleeping in a very pretty princess bed i the next room...because my baby is her snuggled up to me...something about your mommies bed...

anyhow to bed,...wish me luck


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