Hey, I'm Cfmommy!

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Thursday, March 27, 2008


Well the week is drawing to a end...yeah!

Today was a busy day at work...2 staff gone. So I didn't get much of the admin stuff that I needed to get done. But I left at 2:30pm (I love Thursdays!) grabbed the kids from the bus stop and we went straight to the school for the parent teacher interviews. I hate these. I really hate them. However, I was asked to come (in Macks agenda) to meet his teachers. That was annoying especially the student teacher who kept agreeing with the 'real' teachers "yeah, ummm hmmm" "totally!" "I have to agree" okaaaaay you have seen my son for 1 whole month...thanks for your input...put me in touch with HIS teacher...thank you! Anyhow, they said that he is very distracted in class and doesn't use him time effectively and blah blah blah...same old. Its like they want me to put him on meds or what? My son isn't hyper....but maybe he is distracted but I certainly wouldn't be sticking him on meds (they didn't mention it) but it felt like that is what they were trying to say to me...anyhow...went and did Kennedy's which was the same kinda story (lol) but it was very very positively said "Kennedy requires some reminders to remain on task, but its not just her as its pretty common with their young age!" I told her (well actually she taught Mack too) about Mack and she said that they don't 'get it' until around junior high...that made me feel better. Still, I worry. But his report card was improved from the first term...all A's and mainly B's but C in math..which is what we are working on...(tutor here at the moment, actually!) and its been working. Anyhow...thats all over with. He just need to work on staying on task...thats it. He gets lots of sleep, eats good food and so I know that all of the resources are there for him...they said in junior high he could possible struggle...but I mean...he IS a B student so I don't get it...

Anyhow, this is now hours later....the kids are in bed..I just helped put my nephews down...1 more sleep after tonight until their parents come back...its been alot of fun having them...but man, alot of work too....but its okay.

Next week is spring break. A break from homework, packing lunches and running to get the school bus..yah!

Well anyhow...better go.

Oh yeah, I don't know if I said or not but I relaxed Kennedys hair and omg..its sooooo straight now...look great! She LOVES LOVES LOVES it like this...she loves flicking her hair to and fro..she's so funny. She has ALWAYS wanted straight hair (you know how it goes, you have straight..you want curly..you have curly..you want straight) but this is great! I'm going to keep up with keeping it straight.

Anyhow...night all..


Anonymous said...

I love teachers sometimes :) It's great when you get the wonderful ones, but when you don't......

You have to post a pic of Kennedy's hair, I'd love to see it!

Kylie's Mom said...

Yup, Kylie tells me every other day how she wishes she had curly hair and how she hates her straight hair LOL.

joanne said...

I too would love to see a picture of Kennedy.

Sharon said...

Same ol story - I want curly hair!!! wanna trade Kennedy??

You will be so happy when your kids are in their new school next year! it doesn't sound like they like to focus on the positive!!