I am enjoying sitting here at work. Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyhow, today its already so nice and sunny out! My children have been spending lots of time outside! Its been great! Today Fabe is taking the nanny, Brenda and the boys to the rec centre for a day out. They will go to the indoor playground and enjoy the time there. Fabe will pick them up after that. Tonight I am not sure what we will do. We will just relax at home. Maybe the kids will hang out with their new scooters. The boys are obsessed with the neighbors kids, Austin and Trevor. They are playing "I am Trev" and then the little one, Matthew says "No, I am Trev" then Braeden says "Okay, I will be Austin". Its soooo funny!
They are so funny having around tho! Too funny!
My sister said that she was asked to go for a principal job. She has only been a Vice Principal for 2 years now but they are dying to hold onto them up there. My sisters BIL said it wasn't worth him being a principal when he can work at the plants up there and make double the money...teachers even get paid so much more up there! Its crazy up there, but still I woudn't ever live up there. I am use to the 'old' McMurray which was once a nice little city. The stores were normal to go to and people were friendly. The only issue with it back then was the flooding of downtown. But it was nothing like it is today. I find it to be a very dirty city and just too busy. My dad just bought a house in Sask as the real estate is so low there. He is going to keep his place up in Fort Mac and rent it out...so thats good...he will make a pretty penny renting it out. He is excited to leave up there. Which is funny, because thats where ALL of his family is from and he always wanted us to move up there...too funny. Now he just wants to leave.
I wish that my sister and her dh would move down here. Their house up there is worth soooo much money (its not even funny!) but they would both take a HUGE pay cut. But to me its worth it. I mean, "Edmonton" isn't great either. But its better then raising your children up there. My sister might have to return to full time teaching tho thats the only thing...does she want too? I don't know.
I'm sitting here listening to Cisn on the radio at my desk. The rooms are getting ready for lunch...they were all outside this morning...so it was nice and quiet. I have a HUGE portfolio due on Friday to be sent over...and I am almost all done it.
Did anyone see the 2 week forcast? I'm super excited the weekend of the 5 and 6th of April is going to be close to 12 outside! Of course that is the weekend that the kids are up to Fort Mac for my nephews 5th birthday party. I'm not going as I am hoping Fabe and I can go out for supper for our anniversary...
Anyhow I better go!
have a great day!
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