At lasssssst....I'm off for 4 days straight! Howeer, I will be super busy as our nephews are here for 1 week and my sisters nanny, Brenda as my sister is heading to Mexico tomorrow...lucky her!
Today was a good day at work. We did the Easter thing, then I bought the staff pizza and pop. They were pretty happy! I left at 2:30pm dropped off some library stuff and headed home. Tidied up the house, and waited for the big arrival. They all arrived about 6pm. Everyone was so excited, the dogs, kids and my mom! Crazy times!
Today I got the kids their main Easter gift. I'm telling myself "its not Christmas, we don't need to spend alot" but I try to cram in the stuff that I have to buy anyhow in the summer. But actually I am very proud and didn't spend too much :o)
Report Cards today. I can't believe that Mack was so stressed about it :o( I don't ever want to think that he thinks that he will disappoint me. As long as he TRIES...anyhow his marks went up!!!!!!! Some stayed the same...but things were up in like 3-4 subjects! Silly boy. I gave him a big hug and he was just happy it was over with. Damn report cards...ugh.
My sis leaves tomorrow at 3pm for the airport...then mom and I are on our own for the boys. No biggie though. I love to spend time with them....I really do. They are SO much better behaved when my sister isn't around though ;~)
Not too sure what we will do this weekend. Fabe is tomorrow we will take is easy around home. Maybe go explore the dog park with the dogs...with the kids.
Saturday-my mom wants to be crazy and take them to Chuckie Cheese...craazzzy! A Saturday I would usually try to avoid that place! Saturday night mom is sleeping over here to wake up Easter morning with the kids....then Sunday she is making us Easter dinner...Monday will be spent doing nothing much....Then the nanny comes back from her friends house on Monday night...then off to work again Tuesday...the week will fly by. Then again, the next week will be busy with kids (my friends son, Rikki and my 2)...4 kids for a week...we'll see how I handle it ?!?!
Well anyhow, I should go...I'm very tired and since I won't be sleeping in this weekend I should at least go to bed at a decent time at night...
Have a good Night!
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