Hey, I'm Cfmommy!

I hope you will enjoy my blog! Come back often, and I LOVE comments :o))))

Saturday, August 26, 2006


So Lisa and Vic are going to Vegas in November. Lisa would like us to come. So I have been thinking about it, and asked Fabe today and he said "sure, as long as it isn't an arm and a leg" I remember when it use to be super cheap to go there. Like a few hundred dollars to go. Now, it just seems so much. Really, for a few hundred more you could go to somewhere HOT for a week long, all inclusive. So unless we find a really good deal...
Everyone of course will assume that we are going there to get married...and maybe we will... :)



Jane said...

I didn't know you weren't married :)

We keep talking about going to Vegas and getting married but I don't know.......I'd kind of like the kids to be with us and Vegas is something I wnat to do just with DH.......maybe Florida while we are all there together....

Good luck with your decision......I'd go if I were you :)

Undecided said...

I didn't know you weren't married either! Gotta love blog info.

I haven't been to Vegas since I was a kid--we stayed at Circus Circus.

Cfmommy said...

sorry to break it to you ladies...lol, I am LIVING IN SIN!!!!

Actually to be honest, Fabe and I have been together since we were 16 years old...so 15 years. We got pregnant very young with ds and weren't even living together...but anyhow...too much info :) Needless to say, there just hasn't been the right time. As much as I would want the kids there too, I would love for Fabe and I just to 'do it' and come back and tell everyone 'guess what we did this weekend?" and there. Its done. Its more of a chore for me (honeslty) and not something that I really, really care about. We are classified as married by so many things in our lives and we are totally committed to one another...so why a piece of paper or a ring to confirm it? It doesn't take back that we weren't married before we had kids or anything..so I dunno. This is turning into a blog. The only reason I would want to be married is just to have an anniversary present every year :)

Oh well. We'll see. Today Fabe said "my mom would kill me, If I did it without her" which I responded "so your mom would rather you live in sin??" LMAO!!!!


Cheerios_Addict said...

I didn't know you weren't married either. :)