Hey, I'm Cfmommy!

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Wednesday, August 02, 2006


<--------My kids in somewhat matching outfits. It was so funny. They literally came out of their rooms wearing the exact same sets! Kennedys is a jersey dress and Mack's is a 2 piece short set. Pretty funny! And I didn't plan it!

So today was utter hell at work. I got a call from one of the staff saying that her toilet over flowed and she can't come until the plumber gets there. Okay. So I think a few hours at the most. Well, I got to work at 9am. The time that she is suppose to be there at. One of the OTHER staff is complaining about being sick. She is NEVER sick. So I have to let her leave. So, I tell her to go. Which leaves only me to be on ratio. So, I work the kinder room all morning. Wasn't bad. Actually missed working with the kids :) So, anyhow. Break time. I am worrying as Kennedy has the appt that I can't just cancel. Its with GI. So, she still wasn't there. Breaks were impossible to get done. It was complete hell. Got through it. JUST about to leave for the appt and call the sick staff back (she was going home for a few hours to sleep) but then the other staff walked in. She smelled like TANNING LOTION! I swear!!!!!!! But it all worked out. It always does. So I went and got Kennedy. Went to the U of A. I will tell more about her appt after. So, meanwhile I HAVE to get Mack by 5pm from daycamp. I have to be there by 5! They CLOSE at 5! Well, after the lab did their explanation and what not...I fianlly raced out there at 4:40!!!!!!!! 20 mins to get out of the horrible traffic by the U Of A. So I did it. I walked in to daycamp. At EXACTLY 5pm on the nose :) Phew. So, driving along home...the car STALLS at a red light. Okay. Weird. Just sunk massive money in it LAST WEEK! So I start it up and it goes. Driving along. Its fine. Another red lights. Stops. WTF! Driving along, its fine. Stop at a red light. This time is DOESN"T start! I was sooooooo stressed by this time. AND, MY CELL WAS DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so, thankfully we were right across from 7-11. I use the pay phone. Call dh. Who just got to the west end. My neighbor seen me there, and asked if I need help. But I told him Fabe was on the way. That was nice of them to stop tho! So Fabe comes. The van starts. Drives home perfectly fine. Lovely! So, its like 6 pm by this time. Dog has been home alone way to long. He's wired! The ground beef wasn't about to cook itself. Days like this, I just wanna get back into bed. BUT, I survived it. I'm okay. Have the kids in the bath right now with their new Avon roller soap. And, they are going to bed by 10 tongiht...its been late nights and early mornings :S

So, Kennedys appt. Well GI wanted to see her regarding her liver. Sure enough its showing signs of liver damage (sigh) so she put her on some huge long-named liver medicaitons...add THAT to the list. They don't like that she hasn't gained weight in forever. They said to give her MORE BOOST. She then never eats. Her A,D,E and K levels are still low...so yeah...its not always the happy appts that I am use too. But her lungs are clear :)

So she will start that med now. On it for 1 year forsure. Will re-assess in a year. Possible biopsy then. Which pisses me off, considering in MAY when she had surgery the suregon said that he was going to do a livery biopsy but didn't...so who knows. Another surgery again...annoying. Anyhow...thats what new with her Cystic Fibrosis...never a dull moment with that disease :(


1 comment:

Jane said...

Your children are gorgeous - such cute smiles!!!

As for the van breaking down...you coped better than I would....I would have just sat in it where it stopped and cried!!!! And probably never driven again!! I'm hopeless at not coping when things like that happen!