well the weekend was superb...or wait did I post about that already? I don't know! Anyhow, the weekend was GREAT! I have pics but because I am on Fabe's laptop I can't upload them. I took pics of the cabin, and our view from the deck to the lake (beautiful!) anyhow. I didn't want to leave Sunday but I had too. We are going back in a few weeks anyhow. So, Sunday we got home...late. Monday I had to work, registered the kids at their daycamp. Fabe was off. He did stuff around here and went to pay for our new wood floors. I came home, late from work. On the way home from work I made the mistake of stopping at the Children's Place for clothes for Mack. Well I DID buy him SOME stuff but man, oh man...buying for Kenendy is soooo much easier!!!! $125.00 later and a new C.P credit card (dangerous!!!) I had a lot of new clothes for them. Then, I stopped at Superstore bought Kennedy the cutest little fall coat and Mack a pair of pant and ME some new jammies..I looooooove their jammies there :) Oh and some photo albums to start arranging their photos..no more of this basket and scrapbook later. Today, Tuesday I took off work. Last minute. But anyhow, Lisa and I took the kids to the water park in Beaumont at 10:30 am. Ronda and the kids showed up about noon...and Lisa had to leave at 2pm so it was Ronda and I until close to 5pm! My kids will sleep well tonight!!!! Tomorrow, I have to work...but luckily I have to leave early on these days as I have to pick up the kids by 4pm! Also, I am WORKING on taking off 3 days next week...for Calgary! Then, I will feel better. Tonight our new floor was delivered here!!! Yeah!!!! Thursday it is getting done. I CAN NOT wait! I HAAAAAAATE the carpet!!!! So you can only imagine what living in a renovation house is like. Mack has all of the bonus room stuff in his room, Kennedys room is emptied into our room...stuff even in the bathroom up here...ugh. I HATE messy things like this!!! Hopefully it takes only a day to do it so that Friday we can put it all back together again...Then the basement will be the next hit! THAT will be a pain in the butt as it is SUCH a storage area for junk down there! Ugh! BUT I keep telling myself in the long run it will be worth it...I don't feel like doing anything since everything is such a mess! I hate it. And wasn't THIS the reason WHY I wanted a new house!?!?!?!?!oh well. One day I will have my nice clean organized house back in order! Well, other then that. Nothing else new. Tonight my mom came over with my sisters dog and we took them both to the dog park for an hour. She loved it there! (my mom!) and the dogs...but I think that my mom had the most fun of anyone. (lol) I had promised the kids a flurry so we came home, got the car and my purse and a neighbors kid and headed to mc'd's. Came home...and I plunked my sun burnt body down on my bed...and here I am :) I have to bath the kids and get them ready for their daycamp tomorrow...and work. Not sure what we will do after camp...I would like to stop at the library and get them their cards though! Thursday Mack made swim plans with his friend Taylor. Friday...is Friday so whatever :)
Oh yeah, last night Fabe and I took the kids out for supper and we went to East Side Marios and kids eat free on Mondays :) It was soooo perfect!!!!
Well Kennedy is begging for a fire tonight but isn't it suppose to storm????
Well later!
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