Hey, I'm Cfmommy!

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Friday, June 22, 2007

Thank GAWD its Friday!

What a horrible, long day. Today I slept in until 7am, which normally wouldn't be an issue however I had to shower, Mack had to shower and both the kids had to eat, get dressed, brush their teeth and get to the bus all by 7:50 am! Plus, in between there I had to get myself normal looking, hot roll my hair, look good for my interview...and make sure that I have all of their stuff ready to take to the lake. So, I got to work...worked until 10, left got to my HORRIBLE scary interview...(1.5 hours long!) and then rush back to work for lunch breaks....then work until 3, leave and get the kids from school..pick up my friends son from his school (way deep down in Mill Woods) and then rush downtown to drop them off at my moms....THEN, I had to rush back to work...as I had to work late. Then, I had to get my glasses. Then finally home...H.O.M.E. And it feels soooooooooo good. My mom had a hamster to get rid of, so I took him to my daycare. My mom said that he needed more food so I stopped at WalMart on my way home and holy crap! They have SO much stuff for HAMSTERS! I bought like 40.00 of treats, nibbling things, fluff to make beds, food, chewing sticks, wood shavings and etc...oh and of course one of those little balls. Jane, a hamster would be a wonderful preschool pet. This is what we will use to calm the children at the daycare when they are being very loud! Also, for science we are going to have a chart (math too) to see how much food he eats in a week and a chart for cleaning water container out...etc. Also, we will ask which parents would be okay with him going home for a weekend to hamster-sit then the children can discuss how the weekend went with the hamster...as well I will be buying a hamster pet book to see the kind of care it requires. This is SUCH a great learning opportunity for the kids!!! And, an active science lesson! Anyhow, so that was that. I came home, to a very quiet house. I made myself 2 potatoes in the microwave (lol) and enjoyed them. Then went in the back yard and filled up the birdfeeder...I bought a birdbath the other day so I set that up....I hope that they use it! I checked out my plants and flowers...holy my raspberries are consuming my whole flower bed...grrrr! Then, I came in the house. Made some popcorn...wore my new glasses (lol) and watched my Tara Road. Now, I loooooved this book. I read it years ago when I was preg with Kennedy but I loved it. So when I saw the movie at Blockbuster I had to iget it. It was good...but as usual the movie was better.

Also, I got through half of my new book now but I cheated and looked ahead to the last page of the book and disappointed myself. I ALWAYS do this...I hate that!!!!!! Anyhow, if anyone is looking for a good read "My sisters Keeper" is very very good. Its a moral-challenging book...kinda...LMAO!

Well anyhow, I am going to lay in bed and read now. Tomorrow I am hoping to do some yard stuff....maybe the rock around the firepit...and also...buy another birdbath for the front yard. I need somethin out there. The backyard is soooooo plain. Tomorrow I will take pics of the yard and tell you my plans for it...but ask for suggestions on what to do....The grass is great and I am very happy to say that I have fixed almost ALL of the puppy-piss spots with just grass seed and topsoil. No more puppy patch repair crap...it DOES NOT work...other then that I'm not sure whatelse to do...I cleaned so much that I don't need too. Maybe I will clean my car this weekend and the kids rooms...we'll see. I should get done what I need to as next weekend we are at the lake...and the weekend after is Fort Mac. So I won't be home-home for a weekend for a while again....I just hate the thought of that!




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