Hey, I'm Cfmommy!

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Thursday, April 10, 2008


Sooooooo tired!

Today was a brutal.

1 staff down. Really, one of the most important staff as she works 12-6pm. She closes the daycare so if she isn't there, then someone has to stay longer. Acutally ALL of the staff have to stay longer. It just screws it ALL up..like today it did.

Anyhow, I got home waaaay later then I was suppose too. But I wanted to make sure the staff got home first...as they are the ones who work way harder then I during the day...so I got off at 5pm. Stopped and got McD's for the kids, as Mack has his tutor Thursdays at 6pm. Then I had to get gas, then money to pay the tutor so I got home at 5:45pm and she was already there!!!!! She's done now...ugh. Busy!

The house is a total mess! Thank God the weekend but if its nice out then I am sure the heck not gonna wanna clean all weekend...which I WILL not be doing...so I will try to get some of the cleaning done tongiht and tomorrow night...

Today I bought grass seed and potting soil to start the repairing of the dog pee spots...

At work, I bought a drill and fixed the gate which has been broken forever in the preschool room...thats done now...and I even put a fresh coat of green on it...done...

We are thinking about escaping the city (lol, made you think about Jane!???!) and hitting Vegas next week...we'll see.

Have you ever seen a child who actually made your heart hurt? Well thats what happened today...there is a little girl at our centre. She comes from a very, very poor home. She is usually pretty dirty. Her lunch today was a mayo and bread mixture....that she half ate while away at school...then it was tossed into her lunch kit. she had a pure black banana (cut in half) for snack. Thankfully I checked her lunch (to see if anything needed to be heated up) and I found that...so I made her a lunch and made sure she got a good snack....I look at her and I see a very hurting child...she breaks my heart...we wash her jacket every week and hang it to dry outside...not only is there a smell to it...its suppose to be pink but its actually grey/brown...from being so dirty. I thought about her again while doing Kennedys laundry. Here my child, 2 years older...has so many clothes and this little girl at my work...comes in wearing dirty, dirty clothes...she *never* looks like a pretty little girl that I know she is...she breaks my heart...

To make me feel better, and hopefully her...I'm going through Kennedy's clothing. Which I have done recently...and gave to a single mom friend...but this time I won't have much to give to her...but I'm hoping to find a few things...even if they haven't outgrown Kennedy we will give them. My child has a closet full of new and beautiful clothing...this little girl has only dirty and unfitting clothing (either waaaaay to big, falling down...or very very short pants!). She is a happy little girl...a beautiful smile...




7jays said...

awwww, that breaks my heart!

Kylie's Mom said...

Aw, that made me very sad :( ...

Sharon said...

How old is she???

Anonymous said...

Awww, that breaks my heart too :( Lucky for her she has you in her life to watch over her!

joanne said...

awww, you are her little guardian angle Tara.

Are you guys thinking of going to Vegas next week. We leave on the 23rd for five days. I am getting excited.