Hey, I'm Cfmommy!

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Saturday, April 05, 2008


So, last night I spend hours at the Royal Alex with Amanda. She was cramping alot last night. They checked her cervix and its already shortening and babies head is down, they are worried that her body is getting ready for labor. She measures 29 weeks and she is almost 34 weeks (Tuesday she will be 34 weeks). So she is measuring really, really little. The doctors said they would be checking her for IGR (Interuterine Growth Restriction) so hopefully HER doctor looks for it...every nurse was like "oh my goodness, you are so tiny!". But anyhow...she goes for her other ultrasound on the 11th. I sure do hope that her dr looks for this. The nurse said measuring 2 weeks up or down is 'normal' but 4-41/2 weeks off isn't okay. But because she is a tiny person anyhow, I hope/am sure that everything is fine...

Anyhow. I got home to chineese food...(Fabe was working anyhow!) and we ate it in bed...then watched tv. Fabe got up bright and early for work...I slept in until 11am~~~~ Needless to say, to find SNOW!!!!!! Yuck!

Today I did laundry and am just tidying up...guess I *will* be cleaning afterall...I will work on my assignment tomorrow....and type it up at work next week.

Well, I will report back tomorrow...or later!


1 comment:

Jane said...

I hope all is ok with the baby and Mom...I will keep them in my thoughts!

You slob staying in bed so late :) Lucky you!!!

Where are the pics of Kennedy with her new hair-do????? Your post re. Susies new hair reminded me!!!!