Hey, I'm Cfmommy!

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Wednesday, May 23, 2007


So our dr. for Kennedy FINALLY signed the disability tax credit form and he said that they will go back to birth :) :) :) :) It works out to 2500.00 more this year on our return. We just did out taxes last night, and we will be getting back a decent chunk. I am so happy!!!!!!!! I can't WAIT for that check...its going to be pretty fat!!!!

:) :) :)

I will buy a truck load of Boost and store it in the shed and Kennedy can drink her little heart away when ever she wants it....no more 'only 2 a day!'



Jane said...

Thats great news Tara!!!!

Jane said...

Oh and I can't send any more house details because there are TOO MANY...if you are interested in an acreage in this area still then I would drive out once a week and look because there are For Sale signs everywhere!!!!! More popping up each day but they seem to be selling quick! Everyone wants the acreage life I guess......

Sharon said...

The space is what is appealing!! no loud neighbours!

joanne said...

Wonderful new Tara!!!!