Hey, I'm Cfmommy!

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Friday, May 11, 2007

The weekend.

Again, wow did this week FLY or what. This week the kids seen the dentist. Mack had a small cavity...that he filled right there, it was THAT small. Kennedy, none. She hasn't had one ever yet. Mack may need braces when he is 12 or 13, but she said she's not 100% sure yet...his teeth have a gap between the front 2 big teeth but he has a few more baby teeth and she is thinking that maybe with loosing them the teeth will push together. We have ALWAYS been told that the gap is a good thing as that means he won't have crowding and get braces...so we'll see. Other then that, his teeth are fine. Same as Kennedy. Its all fine. And lets see, what else. Kennedy had a CF appt at the U of A, it was good. She has gained a pound since Jan. So thats GREAT :) She is 52 pounds now! Yeah! They did her fat-muscle testing. She has NO body fat...but is VERY lean. Defined muscles. Which we already knew. And, lets see. Nothing else. Due back in 3 months.

Work was good. Tuesday is a big important day at work, we have our accredditaitons check lists getting done that day...then we will work on our quaily enhancement plan THEN, request a site visit and we will see if all of our hard work pays off. I hope to be fully accreddited by August when I leave to Disneyworld! I hope so!

And, other then that.

Today its Friday. I came home from work. Cleaned, cleaned cleaned...my sister and her boys are coming in tongiht for the weekend. So I wanted to make sure the house is decent. Our room is a mess though..ugh. And TONS of laundry to put away...yuck!

Tomorrow, I am not sure what we will be doing...Sunday Kennedy has dance competition at Meyer Horowitz (early!) so I have to take her there....I am looking VERY forward to the LONG weekend...fabe is off and we are going to the lake for the weekend. I can't wait...there is a guy doing our drywall there on Sunday. We will be able to paint it this summer and decorate...put down the carpet...I can't wait...its goin to look so pretty :)

Well anyhow.

I am going to put some grass seed over my puppy pissy patches.


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