Hey, I'm Cfmommy!

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Monday, February 19, 2007

A very bad eating day!

Oh well.

Today is Family Day (so Happy Family day readers!) and since Mack was over at his friends house last night, we picked him up early today. We woke up and Fabe made Kennedy and I breakfast. Then, we had showers and got ready. We picked up Mack and went to Sobeys. I ran in and bought some 'junk' for the day. Healthier junk. But still, not WW stuff! Anyhow, we decided to go for a drive. To where? We weren't sure. So we jumped on the highway and off we went. The kids had their headphones on and were watching a DVD while Fabe and I just talked. We use to go for drives when we were younger too. It was great. Not knowing where your going, is even better. We ended up in Camrose. Turned around then came back...we checked out acerages around the city (Jane, I wanted to scout out your place but have NO clue where you live around!!!) but yeah. We would love to buy a house out of the city. I told Fabe that be prepared...if we do it has to have a barn/quonset or something..because I would then go to SPCA and adopt like 5 barn cats...and 2 big dogs. But yeah. Anyhow. So, we drove around. Went into South Cooking Lake. Its pretty neat there and I loooove the new houses there and the ones that back/face the lake. Its a pretty cute little 'village'. The school is like built into a hill or something. (Jane, can you please email me I was trying to look on your blog to email you but I cant find your addy so can you please email me, I wanted to ask you something taradee@shaw.ca )

So we drove around for a few hours. Then the kids got fed up. We got fed up. And we headed back home. Kennedy cleaned her room. Mack is working on it. Fabe is cooking supper. I feel yucky from eating bad today...but oh well. I will not stress out about it.

So tomorrow is back to work. I am so happy for the extra day off that I had. It was a great relaxing weekend. I *so* needed it. This week will be stressful at work due to letting someone go. But other then that....thats about it. Tomorrow I will go to aquasize. Kennedy has dance Wednesday. Thursday I may or may not take off, we'll see. And, other then that. Its all good.



1 comment:

Jane said...

I emailed you :)

I ate junk today too...not really bad but bad enough! We curled up and watched Indiana Jones and reminisced about the Indiana Jones show at MGM Studios (it's great!!!)

Happy Family Day.....with all the exercise you are getting lately I don't think one day of eating unhealthily will effect your weightloss!