Hey, I'm Cfmommy!

I hope you will enjoy my blog! Come back often, and I LOVE comments :o))))

Monday, October 30, 2006


Monday was a GREAT day! I got to work at about 11am. Kennedy had an immunization (her kinder shots) we got that done. I dropped them off at school. Went to work. Covered a break. Planned some of the Halloween stuff. We have 2 interviews PLUS the new girl that started today. I am so happy with who we hired...and today one of the interviewers was GREAT!!!! I already LOVE her!!!! I am so happy!

Picked up the kids, went to Shoppers. Got Mack (another) costume...(he changed his mind!) then to Sobeys for some stuff I needed. They didn't have ANY cookies for Kennedys class so I have to MAKE them!!!! (grr!) I am sending juice and cups for Macks class. I have alot to get arranged tonight...PLUS they need to bath tongiht as they won't be able to tomorrow night (lovely!)

So we bought the Mercedes SUV. Fabe called me and told me we bought it. I really, really am unsure about getting rid of the van... :( I really love it..it has been SO good for us. I thought that I wanted it gone..but I am not so sure now :(

Today I emailed a lady about a house she has for rent in Orlando and I think that we might go that route. Our OWN pool in the backyard...its a BEAUTIFUL 4 bedroom house!!!! With the money we will save on food (by having a full kitchen) this will be good....so I think that I might just book it with her...its like a show home...just beautiful :) We want to book the whole trip in next few days so we have to decide.

Anyhow. I better go BAKE COOKIES!!!!

Tara :)

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Bandit enjoying the cozy fire

Poor Bandit. Just got groomed and now it snowed...poor puppy!

He hates going out in the snow. So today I shovelled him off the deck, a grassy area in the backyard and a path to his poop section of the yard. So now he won't have to walk in the snow. He hates it. But I REFUSE to buy him doggie boots!!!!


I'm so pathetic :)

I really like this one and will be getting it blown up (holy I look SO white compared to my family)
I like the set up of this one, however the dog was looking away...Kennedys eyes were half close and so were Macks...

So I created a holiday for next August and start of Sept. We are going to DisneyWorld!!!! We will be there for 10 days! This is GREAT as we have been wanting to go there. I told Fabe that I want to go there before Mack goes into junior high (the year after!) so I have it all planned. We will book it tomorrow once I get word from my sister is my nephew is going to beable to come. I was telling my mom about it and she said since she took my son she will take Braeden for the trip...so this is simply PERFECT for us! She will have a room next to us and we will have the freedom at night to venture out on our own...plus Fabe's family is all from there. So they will meet the kids for the first time ( I have met most of them) but they will meet the kids!!!! It will be a pretty neat trip! (yes, this is what I do when I am home all alone with the computer!) I booked it on Expedia.ca and its a good price so hey..why not? We will have a wonderful trip..I just know it. I wanted to go to Mexico (theres a great deal on) but Fabe said he would rather spend the money and take the kids on a trip too while they are young. So we will. We went to Disneyland 3 years ago it was in Sept. and it was DEAD!!!! So we will do that again. August 27-Sept 7th. So they will miss the first few days of school but the first few days are the days to miss! Sorting school supplies, etc. Its really a waste. So with the long weekend they will miss 4 days of school. And we will have NO line ups!!!!

Last night I took the kids to MIL's house. Then came home. Did nothing. We were going to eat...but ever since reading the inspectors site about restaurants around Edmonton...I am not really interested in eating anywhere. (yuck)

Slept in this morning...until I don't know what time (dumb time change!!!) I didn't even know that there was ONE!!! LMAO!

Got up, ate. Did nothing all day long...was on the computer and the laptop and planning the trip. My mom came over, we did the same thing...

Had the fireplace on...just relaxed by it. Had some tea...Bandit enjoyed it with me.

The fall pics were taken (obviously) a few days before the snow...the last bout of nice weather that we had... I like some of them and felt that they were pretty good for a timer shot...

Tomorrow, Kennedy has a immunization appt so they will get going to school late and as I will too for work. (yeah!!!) They aren't even home yet from Mil's house! Thankfully they get to sleep in a bit tomorrow for school!!!

Tara :)

Friday, October 27, 2006

hello :)

I know I have been HORRIBLE with keeping up with this. Its brutal. Anyhow, we are in the process of dealing on a SUV which went for a mechanical inspection and needs a few things. So Fabe is dealing with them to try and find the best parts. The parts are costly so we shall see. But I really want it...its a smaller SUV and very nice. Its a few years old but thats okay :) Its a Mercedes Benz M-class SUV. I don't care what kind it is, its just that it was a good price and very pretty :) So we will know forsure tomorrow. However, I am leary about getting rid of the van. I don't know why. It just has served us so well and its so nice. I told Fabe to sell his car and then we will have the SUV for me to drive during the week and have the van as needed. I don't know. I am not 100% that this is what I want to do. I really, really like my van AND the fact that its paid off and we own every car we have is very desirable too. I don't want a payment!!!!! But we will see. We offered less when we found out what it needed (minor things) but the business manager wants a copy of the mech inspection and then he will let us know. Weber motors doesn't usually deal with 'low' priced cars so the fact that they even have this is good news for us! They sell cars for 500,00 there and their showrooms have 100,00 cars in the show rooms. So yeah. We will see. But my vaaaaaaaannnn :(

This week seemed to take FOREVER to get to Friday!

Oh and yes, I lost another 2.2 pounds this past week :) Total now is 12.2 pounds down!!!! Yeah me!

Today was good. At work I got a call from a VERY prospective employee!!! She is coming on Monday for an interview. Also, I did a few interviews and hired one! I really had a good feeling about her and after I met with her I called her references and then called her back and offered her the job! So she is our aid for the 2 girls in our program who need additional support. Sadly, the other lady that I want to hire will replace one girl who has had NUMEROUS warnings and keeps calling is 'sick' because she is tired (she later tells us!) so she needs to go. So yeah. HOPEFULLLY Monday works out with the other lady. We are hiring her for a VERY good wage so yeah...hopefully she pans out!

I picked up the kids from school. Came home. Made them an easy supper. Ate. Mack called around to find a friend to sleepover however his best friend, Nick has hockey so he can't stay here but invited Mack over there. So tonight it is just Kennedy and I. She is working on Macks computer on treehousetv.com playing games. I am going to clean the mainfloor. The guys are here working on the basement. Its just about done!!!! The drywall dust has set off the fire alarm so the company has called a few times "Do you require the fire dept ma'am?" lol. Nope, thankfully!

Well anyhow.

Off I go to clean my mainfloor (every Friday) tomorrow the kids are going to my MIL's house for the night. And, I have NO plans. I have to start to organize the spare room as my sister, her nanny and family are coming down in 2 weeks. I want to try to paint it and get it nice looking by then.

Tara :)

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

I know...BEHIND AGAIN!!!!

I know, I am behind.

The weekend FLEW by! I love weekends, and especially when Fabe is off :)

We didn't do too much. We had it all arranged to take the kids to his moms for the night but hten we got lazy and didn't. Which was fine. Sunday I slept in. We cleaned the house and went to moms house for supper! Came home, I went for a great big walk and Fabe bathed the kids. We put them to bed. Made popcorn and watched our weekly favorite show Desperate Housewives :)

Monday was good. He was off. I went to aquasize at night...felt great! We did some fall pics at the dogpark which was cut short due to Kennedy stepping in poop and getting it on Mack and Fabe.

Tuesday was pretty good. We had an inspector at the daycare for the morning but it was all good :) And I left at 3pm to pick up the kids. Came home. kennedy did printing at the table. Mack did his homework. I got supper in the oven. We are going to go out and clean the poop in the backyard and thats about it.

I want to go to bed early tonight and have the kids in bed early but with this nice weather...I dunno. I need to either do the treadmill or take Bandit for a walk...hopefully Mack will come or stay alone for 20 mins while I do the block.


Saturday, October 21, 2006


OMG!!!!! I LOOOOOVE this! My mom sent the kids mail (she lives down town, lol) but anyhow with 10.00 each. So tonight Fabe and I had to go to WalMart and the kids were super excited to spend thier money and they each had some extra money too. So they agreed on a snowcone maker and Kennedy (had toothfairy money) bought herself this Dora Water Cooler!!!
I am sorry, but I LOOOOOOVE this. I don't know why! But I think it is so damn cute!!!! Anyhow, we are going tomorrow to buy some dixie cups so when she has the girls over then she can at least offer then something to drink... *lol*

Love it!!!

Friday, October 20, 2006

Friday! TGIF!!!

Have I mentioned that I simply LOVE Fridays???

I do!

Anyhow...today was a great day! Some issues at work...2 staff away. But I finally put the ad for staff in today! And, also faxed in a funding application and worked on some stuff for my service plan. So, needless to say I still managed to get lots done today! Left work at 3pm picked up the kids from school. Came home. They ate leftovers sweet and sour meatballs. I had...a sandwich. I did my usual Friday night routine. Cleaned the mainfloor. Then I made the kids popcorn and gave them 1/2 cup of orange pop. They are both in Kennedys room watching a Halloween movie. I made myself some popcorn and a nice cold glass of diet Pepsi. Tomorrow, Fabe is off. I will clean the top floor and get laundry done. I should get to the gym. Or a walk or something. Today I did NO exercise. Also, I have a great cookie recipe that I am dying to make. I will treat myself to ONE and freeze the rest. So maybe we will make that. Unsure if the kids are going to MIL's for the night yet. Sunday we are going to my moms house for supper. A pretty low-key weekend...just what I like :)

Today I took my 10pds down picture. I am going to take one every 10pds that I loose along the journey. I think it will be neat to look at my 'before' and then 10 down, 20 down ,etc..I am knowing more and more people who have lost like 50 pounds now!! I can't imagine! 5-0 pounds Thats GREAT!!!!! So I am going to keep on going! I am 1/5th of the way there :) And still going hard at it.

Monday I am going to aquasize again. I am going to ask the young girl on our street if she would be willing to come over at about 8:30pm some nights until 10pm the kids will be in bed and I just think it would be GREAT to have the freedom to go when I want to go instead of when Fabe is off. I hate that! I *really* want to go more often but lack the sitter to be able to go...grrr!


Until tomorrow.

I am going to go to be and find something to read :)


Thursday, October 19, 2006

Super Quick update!!!

Okay, I have to be fast. The kids have TaKwonDo in 45mins and have to eat suppe still. So anyhow!



This past week I lost 2.6 pounds!!!!!!!!! I was SO SUPER happy!!!!

Anyhow. Today I did not much. WW and then grocery shopping and got the kids from school. Got home. I am making them Sweet and Sour Meatballs and rice. And, I had a lean cuisine! I am taking them to T.K.D and then we are going swimming for a few hours!!!! They havne't gone swimming for a week so they feel that it is time.

Anyhow. Have to go and feed them. But I wanted to post about my loss!

Finally 10 pounds!!!!! (shouldn't say finally as it has only been 1 month this week) but yeah!!!!!

I look VERY forward to the next 10!


Wednesday, October 18, 2006

very behind!

I know. I have been very behind on my blog. But I have been busy! Whenever Fabe is off I try to stay off the computer *so* much. But yeah. He is back to work now until Saturday. Then he is off on the weekend! We are thinking about the kids going to his parents house for one night as they haven't had them forever and we will go see a movie. I am REALLY trying to convince him to come and see "Flicka" with TIM MCGRAW (did I ever mention that I LOOOOOOVE him!!!) so yeah. I went to aquafit Mon and Tuesday nights. Last night was a killer tho. My abs are HURTING today! But "NO pain NO gain". Today..I had 8 points leftover and decided to use them eating 1/2 of a small Pumpkin Pie Blizzard. So thats my supper. I am regretting it now!!!! Tomorrow is weigh in. (and the blizzard was 14 points total and I ate about half=7 points). I hope to be down at least 1 pd and 2 pds would be GREAT!!!! I am sitting at 7.4 down. Seems like it has taken SOOO long for that. Then it didnt help that a lady at aquafit last night said that she has been on WW for 1 month and has lost 20 pounds!! GRRR!!! But she is also quite a bit bigger...but still!!!!oh well!

Work has been good. Not too much going on there. Tonight Kennedy had dance class. So Mack and I went shopping. He insisted in finding a winter coat set and the coat needed to have fake fur! I was like "are you sure?" thinking it was kinda girly..nope. Found the most boy set possible WITH fake black/grey fur around the hood. *lol* its a very nice set tho!!!Then he begged me to take him for a pumpkin pie blizzard (so we did!) and then picked up Kennedy who ate 1/2 of my 1/2 and the rest went into the garbage. It was VERY sweet. Almost *too* sweet. Came home. Tidied the kitchen. I am off tomorrow and going to Lisas house after I drop the children at school. Then on to WW at 11:45. I should go to the gym maybe I will do that right after WW. Ah, I will figure it out. Anyhow. The kids want to go swimming tomorrow night so I don't know how I will squeeze it all in...somehow. I am thinking about being a horrible mother and letting them 'skip' school next week and we can go and do something fun for the day! I need a PD to happen soon. *lol* Well anyhow.




Yup, thats what this is...snow!!!


Okay, I will admit. I am STILL working on getting to know my camera!



River Valley...

This is my moms view from her place on Jasper Ave. Its so beautiful down there...I had to take the chance to take a pic as I thought it was just beautiful!!!! In the summer you can see the Queen Riverboat making its way down the river. Its just amazing! At night its just a rush of lights.

Saturday, October 14, 2006


So my ds had a friend sleep over last night and I did nothing. Well I did clean the mainfloor (my usual Friday night thing) and then I was so super tired I laid in bed with kennedy and she fell asleep with me in my bed. Fabe brought the boys pizza and wings home (at like 11:30pm!!) I was looong gone sleeping. He moved Kennedy into her bed and come to bed at like 2am after playing games with the boys for a few hours! I woke up this morning at 8:30 am. Tired as heck..as the boys were LOUD last night!!! Kennedy was watching tv in her room. I got up...seen Fabe off. Tided the house up (pizza boxes!!) made my tea. Started to get the kids their stuff packed up. They had pizza and ORANGE POP for breakfast...and I had 1/2 c. Fibre 1 cereal and 1 cup yogurt (3 pts!). My mom got here at 11 am as did *R* and it was good to see her!!! They stayed for a while before mom left...and she even took the DOG!!! So here I sit...surfing LP who is freaking out!!!!!! (JANE!!!!) So I am here. I am going to go for an afternoon sleep. I should go to the gym but Fabe said he is going later so I will go with him. I don't have anything planned today. I would like to go shopping and find Mack a winter coat set..but we'll see. IF Fabe gets off at a decent time we can work out together and I will see if he wants to go to a movie or something.

The house is a HORRIBLE mess. The kids rooms are horrible. But I just don't feel like doing anything about it...!!!!

Talk to you later!


Thursday, October 12, 2006

WW today..

So today was WW and I was *only* down a pound..but I am sure that a few things contributed to it:

* my time of the month is like anyday!!! (cramping!!!)
* Eating Sat and Sun over my points
* my water intake has dropped totally!!!

So I am going to do it this week! Its gonna be at least 2 pounds! I have been doing all of the right things..so I am not worried! Thursdays I am allowing myself to eat whatever...basically. And then that gives me 6 days to eat totally fine. I am not going to go crazy but eat the things that I have been wanting to eat...

Also today. I met with the trainer at the gym! She was GREAT!!! I got set up on a plan...and am going to go 3 days a week! So thats exciting! Plus, on the non-gym days...walking still. With this increased exercise and low fat eating...I am sure that I will see results in no time.

I am not worried. I know that I am doing all of the right things!!!

So I am happy!!!



Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Bandit playing with a BeyBlade...

Poor Bandit. Tried to capture Macks Beyblade that was spinning top speed in the livingroom. He went to get it, and the spinning must have hurt his nose...lol....so he was sneezing. THEN, determined to get it...lol. It was SOOOO funny watching him. Using his paws to try and make it stop. It was really so cute. He is so funny and brings us SO much joy.. So I was very saddened to read this story http://www.cbc.ca/canada/calgary/story/2006/10/11/dog-crueltycharges.html?ref=rss about some punks abusing their 'family pet'....I surely hope that the dog was loved somewhere in his life. You know, it just makes me SO sick of ppl hurting animals. Why in the world would you? I mean, what could it have possibly done to them to make them even think about hurting it? I *really* think that animals should be treated with more dignity and if someone inflicts an injury on purpose to an animal..they should get the EXACT same thing happen back to them. I went to Pet Cetera the other day...and I can't even walk by the SPCA adoption part of it as I fear I might spot an animal there. I did. 2 big dogs. Just sitting there. Probably wondering "what did I do to deserve this?" makes me wonder how many times that poor dog has switched 'owners'...we waited for many, many years to make the right decision for our dog. It took alot of patience with him. There was a point that I thought we were going to have to give him a better home...as we are out and busy so much. But, thank God...we didn't. I beat myself up about these things. We give him a good home. Dogs really don't ask for much in return. Animals don't. They just want to be treated good. Given the basic necessities in life and thats all...they really aren't picky. They love you unconditionally. A walk around the blocks makes them so happy...10 mins of my day. When we get home, Bandit acts like he hasn't seen us in years...who else is that happy to see you when you wake up, enter the room, come home, have a shower...

I see soooo many ppl getting animals and I think its great...!!!...I just hope that they KEEP the animals...they, like children...need forever homes.

Anyhow...yeah. My baby Bandit..


Fall/Halloween Decorations...

What is that thing hanging in my kitchen!!!???!?!?!???!!
Ewww!!!! This is what I found when I took a closer look!!!!! Yikes!!!!!!!!! I *hate* spiders!!!!Its beaty little white eyes were staring right at me!!!!

My half wall that seperates the kitchen and the living room. Just some neat little things for display on there too!

Kennedy digging in the Halloween tote. She *really* wanted those spider webs...but I couldn't imagine having them stringing all over the place!!!

Leaves even in the bathroom!!!!
On top of the kitchen cupboards...leaves are *even* up there...wow...
*lol* The front entrance tree (again, the work of Kennedy) lights and everything!!!! even spiders!
The wall display shelf when you enter the house..you see this...
The tree that Kennedy insisted in decorating in the kitchen..
My festive dish on the side hutch in the dining area...

Last year, I went CRAZY decorating for fall. But not this year. I didn't do much...just didn't feel like taking it all down after. But Mack was at his friends house all weekend and Kennedy was BEGGING me to decorate so I did. I generally love decorating...I LOOOOVE Christmas decorating though! Love it! I could spend sooo much money on decorations for Christmas. My mom use to deck out the house..she still does. But she literally went crazy! It was like a mini-wonderland in my livingroom. Then a few years ago she purged and got rid of sooo much stuff to my sister and I. Then now, she is starting her collection again. I just bought her the Santa from Costco that climbs up the ladder with a string of lights...its SO cute!!!! I do love it.

I know I am behind for Pics...so here are some...

Kennedy hair...(need I say more)

Oh my!!!!! *lol*

Enjoying a cookie...
They worked very hard making the peanut butter cookies...
I hate the way the kitchen looks when baking...(don't you agree that we need a black microwave..gotta show Fabe this pic!!! Lol!!!!) White appliances and black just do NOT match!!!
Mack, very carefully mixing it....

Anyhow. Today is Wednesday...and I can't believe that I am off again (already) tomorrow. NOT that I am complaining. This week I am very tired. I have also been very hungry..which means only ONE thing....pms! Great. Should be anyday. Lovely. So, yesturday work was good. Today work was good. Fabe was off both days. So I worked a little later then normal. The kids have been tired. I think that it doesn't help with the cold weather. Tomorrow I meet with my personal trainer at the *Y* to start my *new* work out routine. I have NO clue what equipment to go on, for how long..etc. So, since we get such great discounts at the Y we both got personal trainers. So that should be good. Tomorrow I meet with her to get set up. And, I plan to hit the gym the 2 nights a week right after work since Fabe is home with the kids. So thats good. Tomorrow is WW as well. Today I got my first compliment..."you look great Tara!" from Katie one of the staff at my centre. I can tell too. So weird as its ONLY 6.4 pounds *lol* But I can ALWAYS tell...10 pounds and ppl notice on me...weird...lol.

Anyhow. Update tomorrow!


Monday, October 09, 2006

My weekend so far..

I love long weekends and this one has truely felt like a long one. I love it. Friday cleaned. Saturday we cleaned the rest of the house, kids did their rooms. Then Mack got invited for a sleepover and he wanted to bake something to bring with him. So we decided on peanut butter cookies. So, the kids did them. They love to bake...and it isn't something that they get to do very often with school and everything. But when we get too, they really appreciate it. So I dropped off Mack at his friends house. Fabe was working. Came home. Got supper going (it was YUMMY meatloafs...mini ones in muffin tins) and you mix the ground beef with a pack of stuffing, 1 cup of water and then put them in the muffin tins (spray with pam first!!) and then spread some bbq sauce on the tops of them and cook for about 45mins. At 40mins into it, top with cheese...and it is sooo good. I made some fettichini alfredo with it...I had a TINY bit...but the points added up! Then, Kennedy and I went on a HUGE walk :) Came home and was in bed by 8:30pm as I was so tired!

Sunday- Slept until 9:30am. Mack called asked to sleepover again!!! Got up, ate breakfast...and went and met mom (she just got back from Whitehorse) for lunch. I had a veggie burger, salad...9 points still!!!! Then, we went to the mall got my mommy a gift card for Reitmans and got Kennedy the CUTEST!!!!!! Winter coat and ski pants...LOOOOVE it...then Dollarama for some crafts stuff...and then home. Fabe and her went to his moms house. Bandit and I did the big walk....fast paced for 35mins...it was great!!!!!

Today, slept in until 9am. Watched a movie. kennedy did her paintings on canvas for my moms gifts. Then, tidied up the house. Fabe and I are going to run out and buy some food as we are having his parents and my mom over for my mom birthday dinner. So off I go..


Friday, October 06, 2006

No pics...just words :)

Friday! Well what a busy day! Today I set up the cookie dough fundraiser for my daycare. The staff are in charge of it, and they plan to split the money by the 3 rooms and just have that money to buy whatever they want. The one staff said she would like to see a science table bought with the money...as it is 250.00 table from Child Craft but soooo cool. The other staff suggested THEM going together and buying TONS of art supplies that they normally wouldn't get...so lots of options. Anyhow. I will be selling (yummy) cookie dough, cheesecakes and pizzas starting Oct. 16th. So, let me know if you are interested. They will be delivered Nov 21st.

*Picked up the kids from school
*Went to Rogers Video where I promised Mack to rent a game for the weekend
*Came home.Made a quick and easy supper for the kids. I had some fat free ham that I cooked the other night.
*Cleaned the whole main floor (mopped and everything!!)
*went to my nieghbors house with Fabe and the kids for a surprise party for her b-day. It was SOOOOO funny!!!!

Here's how it went. They have a basset hound dog. 2 boys 11 and 7. James and Tammy (parents) went for supper for Tammy birthday. So meanwhile we are all jammed in the basement...waiting. "There here!!! they're here!!!!" So, we all hush up. They walk in the door. Tammy immediately says "Wheres the dog?" 12 year old say"in his kennel" Tammy "what? WHY?" 12 y.o- "because when I was on the computer her ripped up a piece of the carpet" and Tammy goes "HE DID WHAT??OH FOR GODS SAKE TREVOR!!!!!! WHY WEREN"T YOU WATCHING HIM!!! EVERYTIME YOU WANT ME TO TRUST YOU AND YOU DON"T EVEN WATCH HIM" and she was freaking out!!!! We were all trying to not laugh!!!!It was sooooo funny. Then he says "I think I fixed it so it isn't so bad..come and look" and she wouldn't!!!!!!! LOL!!!! He was like "mom, its okay...come and look" so she came down and we all yelled Surprise!!!!! it was soooo funy!!!!

Anyhow, we didn't stay long. Came home. The kids wanted to have a 'movie night' in the basement. Something they did all winter long last year. They rent a movie and I make them popcorn and they set up beds on the sectional and each have a section and they watch the movie then sleep down there...so they are all set up. They rented Shaggy dog...because we seen the actual dog, Shaggy getting trained a few years ago while we were in DisneyLand..so anyhow. I better go make them popcorn...

today was a great WW day!!! At work I bought the kids Pumpkin Pie and Ice Cream...but didn't have a piece..nothing...it was GREAT :)


Thursday, October 05, 2006

My Thursday...

LOL, its looks like a UFO but its the moon :) It was HUGE tonight!

Ducks! This was taken on 34st and 38-40 ave...Ducks taking a pit-stop heading south...
One fine feather...
People feeding them Cherrios...LOL!!!!
A fine cattail...
A pretty shot of ....grass....lol!
More ducks!!!!

Bye bye Ducks :) Can you see them ALL. There are HUNDREDS of them!!!!
Bandit enjoying his new bone. I went to PetCetera and spent way too much money on junk for him...spoiled little puppy :)
Mack, thinking he is 'all that'. Look at the look on his face..lol..

Well today was a great day! I didn't work, as I am off every Thursday. Fabe was off too. So, I took the kids to school and came back home...at school I stopped in a 'no stopping' zone (oppps) and a cop came over and told me that that was my warning for the year (yikes!!!) And I NEVER normally park there but I was afraid to park up by the main doors in case a mom came and talked to me and I was in my JAMMIES!!!!So, came home. Fabe and I looked on the computer for cars. I want to sell the aging van and buy a newer SUV. He wants a car, I don't. So anyhow we did that together for a while. Then, I had a shower and went to my WW meeting and THANK YOU I lost 4.0 pounds this week :) So I was happy! I am down 6.4 pds in 2 weeks! Yeah!!!!! So, then I met Fabe the dealership and we went looking for this one SUV however I spotted another and totallllly want it...it has 3rd row seating and its a beauty! So, the capacity of a van But not a van. Its not like I don't like my van...I just don't need the van. The kids are older. And while the room is nice...I don't need it. And, if the van was newer then I would be okay with it. But I dunno. Its hard to have a car payment when you don't have one...our cars are all older (uner 9 years old) but still...we owe nothing..and thats what I like. But, if we only have a morgage and a car payment then I guess its okay...SUCH a hard choice. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE the SUV. Its SOOOO me. But also pricey...but anyhow. So we did that. Kids get out of school early so I picked them up then we went to a few more dealerships but I still liked the first one. So now its just a matter of doing it. I dunno...

So, yeah. We were heading home and Mack reminded me it was "pj day" at school. Well Kennedy has TONS of p.j's but he doesn't. He doesn't use them. So I went to Zellers and bought him some and Kennedy then needed some...so yeah. Came home Fabe made us steak for supper. And Mack did his homework. We cleaned up and here I am..going to read some WW books that I bought today! Its really cool at WW they have a 'black book' and they let members take it home for a week. You get 2 pages to fill out and put down your thoughts and things like that to try to inspire others who will take it home. Well I took it home...its so neat! I am so happy with my loss...and I am still very motivated..I really REALLY think that this is it...I am going to do this!!!!! :) (please hold me to it!!!)

Well off to read!


Tuesday, October 03, 2006


Kennedy, trying to decide what to have for snack tonight...they love the pantry!
She finally decided on a piece of toast...which wasn't in the pantry!
Lovely Homework!!!! Mack LOOOOOOVES homework (yeah, right!)
Working hard...

Today was a good day again. Was kinda bored at work and not really into being there. However, I then went and hung out in the toddlers room and had fun with them. Thats whats so great about my job. There is such a wonderful variety of children...I can literally go room to room finding what I need at that time. Today I needed to just have fun. When I want to 'talk' I go to the kinders room...yesturday I needed to eat my lunch so I went and sat with a little one who was 'still' eating even tho lunch was long gone over and we just chatted. Its so great. I love not being on ratio. Anyhow...we got approved for funding so we get to hire an aid...yeah!!!! That makes me very happy :)

Picked up the kids...came home. Made them spaghetti..I had leftover roast and potatoes. Oh yeah, we went to Sobeys afterschool for some 'must haves' for the week. Man eating healthy sure does cost alot!!!!

Anyhow, tonight I did some laundry. Bathed the kids. They went to bed at 8:30pm as they were tired from swimming last night. So, I am going to have some diet coke. Write out some recipes. Have to decide what I am going to bake on Thursday...

I am going to bed early too...



Monday, October 02, 2006


A good work day. 2 staff down, but hey we got through it. We are full-full at the daycare now..not even one spot left! The new floors at the daycare look great :) Came home from work supper was already in the oven ( gotta love roasts!!) and so Fabe was out with the kids as he picked them up from school. So, I had a few minutes to relax. But then I decided to take Bandit for a walk so we went twice around the block..a nice 20 mins walk. Then, they got home. We ate supper together...(doesn't happen too often!!) and we are just getting ready to go to the Y for swimming for a while tonight. Tomorrow, I have no real plans besides working and after that...I think it will be an at-home night as we have stuff the 2 nights after. This weekend we are going to decorate for fall/halloween...

Off to swimming!
