Hey, I'm Cfmommy!

I hope you will enjoy my blog! Come back often, and I LOVE comments :o))))

Saturday, October 21, 2006


OMG!!!!! I LOOOOOVE this! My mom sent the kids mail (she lives down town, lol) but anyhow with 10.00 each. So tonight Fabe and I had to go to WalMart and the kids were super excited to spend thier money and they each had some extra money too. So they agreed on a snowcone maker and Kennedy (had toothfairy money) bought herself this Dora Water Cooler!!!
I am sorry, but I LOOOOOOVE this. I don't know why! But I think it is so damn cute!!!! Anyhow, we are going tomorrow to buy some dixie cups so when she has the girls over then she can at least offer then something to drink... *lol*

Love it!!!


Deanna said...

Thats awesome!!

Cori said...

Oooh, that is way too cute!!

Cheerios_Addict said...

That is really cute!

Jane said...

I can't read your newest post...it vanishes...it is there for a second and then vanishes!!!! It was like that yesterday and is again today!!!