Hey, I'm Cfmommy!

I hope you will enjoy my blog! Come back often, and I LOVE comments :o))))

Friday, October 20, 2006

Friday! TGIF!!!

Have I mentioned that I simply LOVE Fridays???

I do!

Anyhow...today was a great day! Some issues at work...2 staff away. But I finally put the ad for staff in today! And, also faxed in a funding application and worked on some stuff for my service plan. So, needless to say I still managed to get lots done today! Left work at 3pm picked up the kids from school. Came home. They ate leftovers sweet and sour meatballs. I had...a sandwich. I did my usual Friday night routine. Cleaned the mainfloor. Then I made the kids popcorn and gave them 1/2 cup of orange pop. They are both in Kennedys room watching a Halloween movie. I made myself some popcorn and a nice cold glass of diet Pepsi. Tomorrow, Fabe is off. I will clean the top floor and get laundry done. I should get to the gym. Or a walk or something. Today I did NO exercise. Also, I have a great cookie recipe that I am dying to make. I will treat myself to ONE and freeze the rest. So maybe we will make that. Unsure if the kids are going to MIL's for the night yet. Sunday we are going to my moms house for supper. A pretty low-key weekend...just what I like :)

Today I took my 10pds down picture. I am going to take one every 10pds that I loose along the journey. I think it will be neat to look at my 'before' and then 10 down, 20 down ,etc..I am knowing more and more people who have lost like 50 pounds now!! I can't imagine! 5-0 pounds Thats GREAT!!!!! So I am going to keep on going! I am 1/5th of the way there :) And still going hard at it.

Monday I am going to aquasize again. I am going to ask the young girl on our street if she would be willing to come over at about 8:30pm some nights until 10pm the kids will be in bed and I just think it would be GREAT to have the freedom to go when I want to go instead of when Fabe is off. I hate that! I *really* want to go more often but lack the sitter to be able to go...grrr!


Until tomorrow.

I am going to go to be and find something to read :)


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