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Friday, June 27, 2008

Grade 6 Farewell!

Mack is in the black and white striped shirt...
Getting his certificate for being an office helper
Getting his 'grade 6 diploma'
Mack and his 2 best friends...from grade 1...

I was surprised that it was as nice as it was :o)

Mack had his grade 6 Farewell on Thursday. It was really, really nice. They did a powerpoint presentation for the parents and school. It was a little tear-jearking. As well they have been saving their artwork every year that they have been in grades at that school. Mack started there in grade 1-6. So he had a collection of artwork. It was so cute! Then they had asked parents to send in a baby picture, a funny picture and a recent pic of their children. So I sent in a pic of Mack as a 1-2 month old having a bath in the bathroom sink (lol) and everyone went 'aaaaaawww" it was so funny! Then one of him as a toddler wearing a diaper and rubber boots (what IS it with kids and rubber boots?) then a recent one of him. Anyhow it was nice. Plus a slideshow+music ("moments" by Rascall Flatts)=tears.

But it was nice. He got his report card, and he is offically in junior high! I can't believe it! *MY* baby, in junior high. I remember grade 7 like it was yesturday. So yeah, its pretty weird that he is in grade 7 now.

Anyhow, it was very nice!

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