Hey, I'm Cfmommy!

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Saturday, June 07, 2008

Ahhhh Home Sweet Home.

I love it.

We got home about 4pm yesturday...it took me FOREVER to unpack. I did the laundry from the hospital and unpacked the majority of stuff. Took FOREVER. We ordered Pizza last night and ate and relaxed. Kennedy played at the neighbors house for hours and came home when the pizza came. We did her treatment (which she MUCH prefers doing at home now and didn't even complain!) we ate. It was raining on and off last night. Put Kennedy to bed at 11pm and I feel asleep shortly after. Slept in until 8:30am today. Felt great...no worries upon waking. Read the paper, ate breaky...ahhhh. Its not as sunny as I would have like it to be today..but oh well. I am home and I am NOT going to complain about anything else...We did Kennedy's treatment this morning already, she is due again in 1/2 hour...Fabe is in the shower..going to take my car for a differential fluid something....change? I guess. I have a few errands to run like return movies, Dollarama for flower pots to decorate...then Zellers for some more plants and stuff...on the daypasses that Kennedy I had we wanted to spend the time outside so we have been doing yard work. Thankfully its helped me too. We extended the flower bed we had to a much bigger one and filled it with some flowers. Also, I pulled up and got rid of some raspberries as they were taking over my whole garden. Today I would like to buy a few more rose bushes and some little spruce shrubs. All of my planting containers are filled already...but I need to buy some more! I love yardwork...love it. Never use to love it..but I am really really enjoying it more with each year that goes by!

Fabe is loving being off on the weekends.

I figured out why things are hectic and stressful for me lately...

Fabe worked in Calgary for 2 weeks
The DAY he got home, 3 weeks ago Amanda was in labor.
Amanda stayed with us for 2 weeks, 1 weeks which Kennedy was in the hospital
1 more week with her in PLUS Mack sick...

So for the past month and abit I have been really overdoing alot of stuff...and doing everything for everyone else...thats why...

BUT, she is out. Amanda is home. Fabe is home (for now, he does have a week in Calgary coming up)...and I don't have work to worry about so much anymore...

This week I am going to work the mornings...not sure about everyday tho.

I have a few more errands to get done so I will have to see how much I actually work...

I don't plan on working everyday though, I know that..nor do I plan to work everyday until the end of the month...a few days here and there and thats about it...

I want to use up this time while the kids are in school and get done my major stuff...(kitchen needs total organizing!) plus the kids rooms, garage, etc...lots of miniprojects.

Anyhow, I want to go shopping...since I missed it for 2 weeks!!!!



7jays said...

So, whatcha buy?? LOL I go shopping twice a week I bet. Definitely go through withdrawls!

Glad you guys are home and things are returning to normal. Hopefully that is all the chaos you have for a while.

How is that little babe doing? Growing like a weed, I bet!

Looks like I am not getting mine.... mom lied! I really don't know if I am happy or sad about that!

Anonymous said...

Yay! I'm glad you are back home and all is normal for you again.... I'm so jealous, I wish I had a grat flexible job, you are so lucky :)