Fabe's parents are still mad about us getting married in Vegas :( STILL. We are TRYING to include them in the planning of the reception and they are acting like its not important as 'its all over with' now. Even more reasons to want a nice reception is to include them all. I have DVD's getting burnt of the ceremony for them. They are going on and on and on about it to Fabe. It puts him in a hard spot as he hears if from me and them. I told him to tell them "I am sorry you don't agree with us doing it there, but we did it. Its done. We can't change it. Let's move forward and plan reception" I am fed up with it. It makes me so sad that they can't just be happy for us. They claim that they are, but obviously they aren't.
I try to put myself into their shoes. Sure, I would *want* to have been there too. But look at our circumstance. We have 2 children. We are 31 years old! We aren't starting off. It *had* to be done. I wouldn't have married at a chuch now. I wouldn't have worn a white wedding dress. Why do I have to settle for a JP at a hall (their suggestion) just because we did things backwards? Do I have to give up ALL of my dreams for my wedding??? I ALWAYS have said, I would love to go away and do it. And then come back and have a reception. Thats what I want. They said that friends of their agree, that we shouldn't have done it that way. We shouldn't have a reception, as its all over with now anyhow :(
I just feel so sad and I wanna cry :(
You can't please everyone, as long as you are both happy with the way you did it, then to heck with everyone else's thoughts!!
They'll get over it don't worry - just give them time...I think we all have dreams and sometimes when things don't work out the way we want it can be hard to accept......maybe a few of their dreams got broken is all - I'm sure they will come round if you give them time.....
I really feel sad for you. ~HUGS~ I know what it's like. I want a destination wedding and my In laws are not happy about it. I mean we aren't in our 20's. My SO is 45 for crying out loud. Another reason i don't feel like planning a wedding. It suppose to be your day..they've had theirs...why can't they just be happy. Oops sorry for ranting. ~ Hugs~~
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