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Friday, April 06, 2007

More shopping pics!

My red feet from the sandals rubbing them...ouch!!!!
Us girls showing our horrible dirty feet...why do mine look the worst??? Yes, Lisa has a beer...you can walk around and shop with a drink...you can drink ANYWHERE in Vegas!
The bag that we had to buy the 2nd day to hold all of our stuff in it. We shopped the 2nd day, for the WHOLE day!

Like I mentioned below. We shopped until we dropped. Or almost dropped our feet were KILLING us so we took our shoes off in the fashion mall and got totally dirty feet. As soon I got back I scrubbed my feet. It was so sad considering I just had a pedicure 2 days prior to this. They were as good as new once I was done with them...but they were so beat up from my new sandals...trying to get worn it...ouch!.

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