Hey, I'm Cfmommy!

I hope you will enjoy my blog! Come back often, and I LOVE comments :o))))

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Today we are heading out to the lake for our 'last' long stay...we are hoping to get some fall camping in and also we still need to go to Calgary...one weekend in Sept.

The kids are starting to get excited for back to school...sigh. My post about not being excited about them going back, wasn't meant to offend anyone. As I mentioned in my post, if my childrn were younger (and probably if I even had a younger child) then I might not feel this way. But because I am not going crazy with my 2 then this summer has been great. Also, I responded saying that I also have been out of the house working for the past 3 years (summers too!) so I am enjoying the time at home and with the kids...every situation is different!!! For me, this is perfect!

We went to the lake Saturday and stayed the night there. It was nice. We had an early bedtime. The neighbors were out there, which is always great for the kids as their children are the same ages/sex of our children...I packed up all of my scrapbooking stuff in the trailer (lol) so I plan to do that out there...Tomorrow I will be all alone at the lake as my mom is going up to Fort Mac to drop off Fabe for the fishing trip and pick up my nephews. Then my sister is coming down Friday. As well as the neighbors. So the kids will be bored out there Wed, Thurs and Friday-day. Then everyone will arrive Friday...Fabe will get a ride to the lake Monday morning and then we will depart for home and get ready for school. The first day of school for the kids, I plan to tackle the basement and organize the totes. Soon I have to pick out paint colors and get that started...so much to do...

Well I better pack up and get ready for leaving today...I may/may not update from my phone...we'll see. But if not....then have a great long weekend...

Saturday, August 23, 2008


Well guys I won't be here for a few days...we were SUPPOSE to leave to the lake last night but it was becoming too late and what not. So we are up early and off to the lake lot for the weekend (well I guess only one night!) *lol* But we are leaving the trailer out there and then coming home Sunday night...Monday and Tuesday here, then Tuesday night out to the lake again...Fabe will be off to his fishing trip for 5 days so mom and I and the kids are gonna stay at the lake from Tuesday night-Monday. That will be a long time there, but you know what? It will be the LAST trip of the summer to be out during the week!!!!So sad. Then after this trip-it will be weekends...then nothing. Put the trailer in storage and we're done with it =o( How sad.

I stopped by my friends house yesturday for a visit. She was having a garage sale, so we chatted for a while. They were laughing at me, that I don't want the kids to go back to school. I don't. I honestly DO NOT. Its nice to be on the routine of school, but I LOVE this time with the kids....nothing to worry about. I love the relaxed life of being with them, and not pushing them anywhere. School is SO hectic and ugh, I dont know...she said I am the ONLY mother she knows that is NOT happy the kids are going to be back at school....to me, thats sad. They are only this age once and we will never get back these days. I know in a few years, I would be willing to give anything to go back to 'these' days...so I want to totally cherish and enjoy them...maybe if my kids were younger and driving me crazzzy, then maybe I would have wanted them to go back...but I LOVE this age for them....

Anyhow, I better get ready!!!!!!!!

Talk to you all Monday!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Today was a great day! We headed out to my friends house for the WHOLE day. It was fun. We ordered pizza there and the kids watched the Hannah Montanna movie! It was a good day. I'm so excited that Fabian comes home tomorrow!!!! At 11am! I thought it was 1pm so I was 'slack' on my housework and being away all day I didn't get much done today. But I came home and tidied the mainfloor up and then swept and mopped it. The upper level is good. Not that he expects it to be perfect but I want him to return to a nice clean house =)

Other then that, nothing else was new.

We didn't do too much. I didn't scrapbook but I brought it to my friends house and showed off what I had worked on so far...

And nothing else much new....pretty regular boring day...

I'm just so happy that Fabe comes home tomorrow!!!!!!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Well yesturday was a great day! We went to Wild Waters on the west end of Edmonton. Its awesome there! I can NOT believe that I have never taken the kids there before! Wow. They LOVED it. We were able to bring in a cooler, so we stocked it with subs for lunch, fruits for snacks and tons of drinks as it was so hot! We were there 12:30-7 pm when it closed. It was soooooo much fun! Then we got home, relaxed on the deck together and watched the lightening for a while. We were all in bed/asleep by 10:30pm. I'm trying desperately to get them on a bit of a routine...as school is in in 1.5 weeks!!!

Today, I slept in late (11am). The kids are taking turns sleeping in my bed with me (Yes, even Mack...he's the mommy's boy!) tonight its Mack's turn...things have been really good. I scrapbooked for a few hours today...I'm impressed with how much I have gotten done! Then we went to the mall as my Blackberry isn't charging..and Rogers doesn't fix PDA's or Blackberrys in their store...(annoying!) so I have to call them and see what to do (its still under warranty) in the mean time...I really HATE not having a cell. Then, we went and got the new Hannah Montanna 3-D concert movie and the Camp Rock movie that both came out today (sigh). Kennedy has 2 neighbor girls over...they are in the basement right now...watching it. I fed them supper and I will be making them popcorn. Plus I bought (get this!) H.M cookies! (yup, Hannah Montanna cookies!)...we already have the sandwitch bags for school too...*sigh*...

I'm going to clean up a bit around here...and just relax. Maybe go down and scrapbook for a while again...and hopefully be in bed at a decent time again...

Tomorrow, if its not 'yucky' I'm gonna take the kids to Fort Edm...Thursday I will completely clean the house and make a good supper for my husbands return :o) I can't wait to see him!

Anyhow..thats Tuesday...thus far.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

well he's gone.

And I am sad. I know its only for a few days but still...*I* feel 'homesick' knowing he will be so far away. At least when he was in Calgary I *could* have driven there if I had too...and knowing that made me feel better. But now I am all alone. He set the alarm for 3am, we did fall asleep at 1:30am...but the alarm didn't go off. So thankfully I woke up at 3:54am and was in a panic. He jumped up and showered and off we went. On the way to the airport, he started to cry (my poor husband!) and I felt so sad. He took my hand and said he wished that I was going and so on...he's so awesome. We did our hugs and kisses good bye and off he went to security. I brought Bandit along for company with me for the drive home. I got home and we both crawled back into bed...and slept for a little while. Fabe texted me when he got to Calgary at 6:30am. He was suppose to depart at 8:30am but due to fog in San Fran he was delayed until 10:30AM!!!!! He was suppose to get the connceting flight at 12:30 in San Fran but I havne't heard anything from him...I hope all is okay. I'm sure it is. He is suppose to be in Salt Lake at 4pm but I don't know beacuse if he missed the connection then who knows. Poor guy...

Then he will be home Thursday, work Friday. Off for the weekend to the lake. Then, he works Monday and Tuesday then he goes for his fly in fishing trip until Sunday...all this time without him. I don't like that....and the location of the fishing trip is really really remote so I doubt that I will get to talk to him much. And we talk ALOT of the phone throughout the day. My friend asked me what do we talk about so much? I don't know...he's my best friend. So just like I talk to them, I talk to him. I NEVER run out of stuff to talk to him about...I just don't.

I snuck in a card for him. I know that he didn't want to go...so I thought that this might make him feel better. Its a nice card and I filled up both sides...telling him how much I will miss him and how much I lovehim and yaadaayaadaa....he will be happy to see that. I added some pics of the kids in there of the ones I just got developed.

Well, today I layed in bed watching tv until 12:30pm and then went downstairs to eat something. A knock at the door startled me, as I wasn't expecting anyone. It was Fabes brother. Too funny. I was in panties and a tshirt so I told him to 'turn around' so I can run up and get dressed..it was SO funny. He was working in the area so he stopped by to see the kids. He had lunch and a drink and then headed off. My neighbors were outside and I walked him out to show him the trailer...I was in my pj pants and a tshirt and my hair is flying around as I took it out of the ponytail this morning when I got back from dropping off fabe. Its pretty funny to think what they are thinking..they know Fabe is gone...and here is me looking like I JUST crawled outta bed...walking this big black guy down the driveway....hahahahaha...

Anyhow...the kids willbe home soon. The house is messy. We need food. So I guess I will go scrapbook for a while before doing anything...as I can do that stuff whenthe kids get home...off to the cool basement....

Saturday, August 16, 2008


Okay 19 mins from Sunday, actually!

Today was a great day! As mentioned in the Friday post...we have no children this weekend. Its been great. Last night we ended up at Moose Factory at the outdoor patio and we enjoyed supper and some drinks. Then our neighbors called us and invited us to River Cree. We hadn't been there yet, so I wanted to check it out. So we went there. It was SO much fun!!!! We (together) only gambled 100.00 (our big budget!) but we both played for hours on it...I did really good on Keno, put in 20.00 and was up to 100.00 but yeah....back down to $0.00! Ohhh well, like we gamble often anyhow...we got home at about 3am! Crazy! We slept in today...didn't do much at all. In fact, we didn't even eat!!!! Finally at 5pm we decided to go for supper and we went East Side Marios. Then we did some crap around the house (grass cut, sprinklers on, etc) and now Fabe is busy packing for Salt Lake City...we have to be at the airport at 4:30am! So we will leave here about 4am! Crazy hey! Is it even worth me going to sleep...hmmm...its 11:45pm now. Ugh, I will be soooo tired and the wosrt thing is that I won't be able to sleep once I get back home...maybe some Gravol will help with that ;o)

Fabe is 'only' getting his suitcase ready now...sigh.

Tomorrow the kids will be home so that will be nice. Not too sure what we will do this week. I was thinking of Calgary? But I don't know. We will have to bring Bandit and there are lots of hotels who will have dogs (almost all actually!) but I'm not sure how he will do in terms of barking...so I would like to find a place within the area of a Petcetera and put him in doggy daycare for the day...Dogs. I would be going along with Fabe actually, if it wasn't for this dog! I don't want to kennel him and neither of our moms wanted him. My mom has the kids and would have kept the kids but she lives in an apartment and its hard for her to take him for a walk everytime he needs to go out and the kids are still too young to go out alone in that area of downtown (Jasper Ave.) My mom will do it, but with notice. She just comes and stays here....but this was NO notice. ANyhow, its okay. The kids are back in 2 weeks to school then we will plan for our weekend away with one another plus we just had this weekend together..so we are fine...Fabe is anxious about going. He's such a homebody and doesn't want to go....I think he will cry (honestly!)

Well, its almost 12 and in 4 hours I will be on my way to drop him off...so I best be going and watch tv for awhile...obviously I'm not going to sleep (sigh!)


Friday, August 15, 2008


Today is super hot-and I am LOVING it :o)

The kids just left with my mom for the weekend at the lake. Its been a long while since I have had no kids for the weekend..it will be a nice change-I guess.

Yestuday, I turned the big 3-3! We didn't do too much. Fabe brought home flowers and a cake for me...but I pretty much cleaned the whole house, made supper, cleaned up supper and then cleaned out the garage...so yeah...just like any other day (really!).

Today, I took back Mack's paintball gun as it was cheap and crappy (not cheap money wise, either!) and upgraded him to a nice one. Its super nice. So he is happy, and took it out to the lake with him this weekend. I should use this time to go get him his supplies...but ugh. Its hot and I am tired from all the cleaning yesturday so who knows...last time we had the 'heat wave' I decided to clean my house...it was soooooo gross (cleaning in the heat!) so I made sure to get it all done before the house gets all nasty and hot. Its still okay but after the weekend and what not I am sure it will be yucky...but I am NOT complaining!

Hmmmm, what else?

I'm bored already....can you believe it? At least with the kids here we would go to the spray park or whatever...but I can't now...ugh.

We aren't going camping this weekend as Fabe has to be at the airport Sunday morning at like 4am! (and yeah for me, getting to drive him!)...

He will be gone until Thursday...*sigh* then I am pretty sure we are going to the lake next weekend...then back to school. How depressing...

Anyhow, our other computer should be fixed soon...

Sept is home painting month....hmmm, thats what I should do...go pick out paint ideas (?) Bored....

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


So babysitting went good last night with the boys. I got them to bed at 11pm. Then I figured out a way to 'room monitor' on my cordless phone to the other unit so I was able to sleep in my own bed and listen out for them off the other phone. It was great! Today I babysat again while my sister did more running around. I cleaned the mainfloor (thank God!) as it was getting pretty bad from them...so thats done. Today I picked up Mack as he had a contact fitting follow up appt at 4pm so we went to WalMart for that...I had a MASSIVE headache when I got there...ugh...so I found the pharmacy and a chocolate milk to down 2 pain killers...worked like a charm...thankfully. I ordered Mack new glasses, more contacts and set myself up with an appt for contacts...for when they are back in school. We shopped a bit there...I bought some Martha Stewart scrapbooking stuff...got ALL my photos done off the memory card...226 of them. Now I have some MAJOR scrapbooking of the summer stuff to get done...then I bought some house decorating stuff...came home put the sprinkler on. Mack bought himself a paintgun (90.00!) and some paintballs and C02 (80.00). So he quickly called his friend Nick who got him INTO paintballing in the first place. So he is over there for the night...oh boys. I got him to try on all of his new clothes, all fits..pretty good considering he wasn't there at all when I shopped for him...yeah me!

Then I hung up all of his clothes and was annoyed with the state of his walkin closet...so I decided to rip everything out of them...and here I sit in his tidy room...with piles of his old clothings and a HUUUGE bag of garbage. Now I am searching for a boy in need to give his clothes too. Its clothes that he never really wore...some more then others but its all NOT stained or ripped. Perfect condition...so yeah. Maybe I will call MIllwoods Family Resource Centre if they know of any families who they could give it too...I hate to give it to Goodwill because it ends up being 'middle class' people who buy the name brands anyhow...I do...but with back to school and knowing how much kids just want to wear the 'name' brands I want a child to feel good about their clothes...so yeah...we'll see.

So his room is nice and clean now...thankfully. Tomorrow I will wipe down the desk and dresser with hot soapy water and vacuum it to get it really clean feeling. Tomorrow is suppose to be hot...so I don't want to do too much cleaning as it gets gross in my house...


Have a good night!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Today was a good day. My sister and I went shopping for hours and hours...I bought most of Macks clothes and spent waaaaaay too much. Kennedy came along too and of course even though I was already 'done' shopping for her she walked away with some stuff too...including skinny jeans...sigh.

My sister and her hubby went for supper and then to the Tom Petty concert. So I am babysitting her boys and the dog. So when Fabe got home from work he took Kennedy as she didnt' want to come to the dog park. SO I took the boys and the dogs to the dog park. Right now they are in the bath and Kennedy is sitting on the toilet playing with them...they will watch tv for a little while and then go to bed. Problem is, they are sleeping down in the basement in the spare room and there is no baby monitor here...so I will be sleeping down there until they get home...sigh....oh well.

Well I better get them out and get them settled soon..

Mack is still at my moms....


Monday, August 11, 2008


So today was a sleep in day (well okay, not really. Only until 9am) then I did a little housework and read the paper. I picked up Lou (my sister, Lou Ann) at 1:30pm from the airport. They were happy to be back from N.F Land. My sister feels sorry for anyone who 'has' to live there. She HATED the weather the WHOLE time they were there. It was funny. Her hubby is from there, so of couse he was defensive about it. It was pretty funny. So they got here...relaxed. We made a big supper...ate. Cleaned up. They went to bed, so here I am. Mack went with my mom for the night. Kennedy didn't want to as she heard that Lou and I were going shopping. Too funny, she already is a little shoppper. Great.

So I am planning for a Girls Weekend. I thought about doing this. But then I thought I will do it later. Well I "AM" doing this this fall. I NEED too. So, I am planning for Banff or Jasper for a weekend. Leave supper time or earlier (the better, but I am understanding to those who work) so Jasper might work better....a little faster/closer. Just a weekend to hang out. Relax. Refresh ourselves. A weekend to really get to know new people, go out for suppers and just enjoy others. A few drinks, not a party weekend...at all...if fact once I get to a place...I may not leave it the whole weekend...lol. But seriously..there are a few people who have said they would like to go....about 6 ladies...but I know that not all of them will end up going. So I have told everyone to think about it...and before I slap it on my credit card...I want people to forsure pay/commit to it...so no fast thinking here. Then in 2 weeks we will book....collect the fees...and plan for it. I want it low-key....Ideally, we will be able to rent ahouse...I seen one in Canmore WITH A HOT TUB...now THAT would be PERfect...sit around ina hot tub....a few drinks...ohhhhhh Yahhhhh Baby!!!! It has 4 bedrooms. I mean, first of all I thought about our own beds forsure...but own bedrooms would be even MORE relaxing...it would still run us at 150.00 for the weekend....thats pretty dang good! At least in your own bedroom...you can chill and sleep in private...lol. Anyhow, thats a 'ideal' situation...I guess not a must...but I will try to find one!!!!We will draw for names for the bedrooms to be 100% fair...as EVERYONE will want the master with the private bathroom...lol!!!

Anyhow, so thats got me excited. Plus, I want to plan a weekend trip with Fabe to one of those places. We need a mini-getaway as well. So we will see...

Tomororw, Lou and I are going shopping with Kennedy (lol) for some back to school clothes for Mack and some starting school clothes for my nephew, Braeden who is starting kindergarten...he was registered at the school long before she became the principal there...funny.

Other then that, thats my day. Not too exciting.

I'm really missing Janes blog though ;o)

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Our weekend...

We had a great weekend in Spring Lake. It was a great place to camp! The beach area was really nice..clear water. The kids loved it. Mack brought a friend, his best friend from school. It worked out really nice as they included Kennedy...even without me asking them too. So that was nice. The sites had full services so that was nice. Usually we have water and power. This time we had sewer. We ALL showered in the trailer...it was great! We usually have to use the public ones, you know where you have to use flip flops and hope that your butt doesn't touch the wall...ewww!!! So we had a great time. Sooooooo relaxing.

We got home by 2pm today. This allowed us time to get everything unpacked and cleaned up from the weekend. The grass and flowers need watering. Right now I am washing all of the trailer bedding...I already cleaned the whole trailer, washed the bedding and swept the mainfloor of the house. The trouble is that my sister is back from N.F land tomorrow and they are staying until Wednesday so with Tanner here there is no point cleaning the house totally this week. But I do have a large detailed 'to do' list this week. Included in that getting Mack new glasses and getting his contacts ordered. He needs his supplies this week. Lots of stuff to do....time is going by so fast :o(

Anyhow, thats my little update...I'm down on the basement computer now as the main one still is down :o( Ugh....Plus our laptop isn't staying connected to the wireless network...and keep going off line....so I am forced to be down here....ohhhh, scary!!!!

Friday, August 08, 2008



Today we are getting ready to pack up the trailer. I am preparing the house (cleaning) so when we return it will be clean. I have to leave a house clean whenever we go away some where. So I am washing the bedding and cleaning up the house. Macks' friend Nick is coming camping with us this weekend, so thats nice. Today the house is ALREADY getting hot...but I am NOT complaining!!!!! I'm not sure if we need much food from Sobeys or not for camping we have alot in the fridge in the trailer still so thats nice. We paid for the spot already...and no buying food....wow, a cheap weekend! Camping sure does add up though, but its soooooooo worth it :o)

Not sure if we are going anywhere next weekend though but we'll see. Fabe has Salt Lake City for work soon and I think its next Sunday. So in that case, we won't do much. Maybe take the kids to Fort Edm. Next week my sister and her fam are down for a few days. They get back from N.F Land Monday then they are staying for a few more days. I was hoping to get some of my stuff off my list (Sylvan, etc) but looks like I won't be able too. I don't know when I will get to see my dads new place...its an 8-hour drive so I have got to plan it well. Fabe is leaving Wed (27th) for a fly-in fishing trip in Sask and they are leaving from Fort McMurray I told him he is taking the bus up there after work Tuesday so maybe I will head to Sask. I don't know-but I know its not an option. I need to see my dad, as since he moved this summer from Fort Mac he is missing everyone. So I NEED to go see him, just not sure how/when.

Well, I better go finish cleaning....and packing up...

Have a good weekend!!!

Thursday, August 07, 2008


This week, actually this month is FLYING by. I just don't want summer to end. I am totally enjoying summer so much...the thought of them going to school is heartbreaking.

Yesturday, I did running around. Costco and Linens N Things to try to get Kennedys new bedding set. But it was sold out, so I got a rain check for Monday. Costco I bought junk that we didn't need.

Last night, we enjoyed supper outside and then watered the grass and flowers. We were in bed early (11pm) and then both had super good sleeps.

Today, Kennedy's friend from school is over. She has been here since 12 today when we picked her up. I took them to the waterpark for a few hours. Now they are running through the sprinkler outside. Her friend is eating supper over here now...which I better get cooking. Her parents are picking her up 7-7:30pm. Tomorrow we are heading to Spring Lake and we are looking forward to it. Its suppose to be HOT Saturday...but crappy Sunday. Sunday night I will have tanner again here...then Monday my sister comes back...then Tuesday I have to babysit her kids then they are leaving Wednesday...so that kind of eats up my week. The weeks are numbered of freedom. And I have to get SO much in still....kinda hard.

Well I better go get supper going, it will look REALLY bad if her parnets come and they ask what she had for supper and she says 'nothing'...but they had chips and they are eating fruit now (grapes, cherry, blueberries, etc)...


Tuesday, August 05, 2008


Hello all :o)

We had a GREAT time at Miquelon for 10 days! It was really fantastic! I so needed that time with the kids. They needed that time with the wilderness and no technology. The good thing about out there, is there is NO cell service. So I wasn't on facebook a whole lot. It was really good. Our neighbors camped the weekends there with us as well. We had late nights, filled with lots of fun though! The kids loved it and they have been left with great memories! I'm very happy. Fabe stayed out all night expect for 2 nights. While cooking supper one night I was watching the news and heard about the be-heading of a passenger on the Greyhound...then that night I had to sleep all alone in the trailer (well the kids were there, but that doesn't help me!) and I couldn't sleep knowing the these random things happen in the world. So sad :o(

We are home now. Today I totally cleaned the trailer...waxed the floors. Its looking brand spanking new again. I'm really really happy we bought the new trailer. At first, I wasn't so sure that we would get good use of it. But we totally are! I love it. It will be hard to justify the payment in the winter but you know what? Its really really a small payment (trailers are cheap now!!!) so its okay.

So I am doing ALL of the laundry and trailer bedding. Getting it ready for this weekend. We are heading west of the city to a lake out there. The weekend after Fabe is going to Salt Lake City for work training, so it will be a weekend at home...I will miss the trailer. Its really our second home now, I get that 'aaaaahhh' feeling whenever I walk in there. Fabe surprised me one night after work when he came out there with a memory foam mattress topper from Costco....ahhhh to DIE for! It was SOOOOOOO nice! We had GREAT sleeps in the trailer!!!

Thankfully I ensured the house was totally clean prior to leaving, so its still nice and clean. Fabe cut the grass last night, yard looks good. Things are great.

Tomorrow, I will have my sisters dog, Tanner for a few days as my mom is still dogsitting him. Kinda limits me to what I am doing, as he is on Medication and drinks ALOT of water....PEES alot in return..so I have like 4-hour time slots to do things...kinda sucks...expecially since its suppose to be SO hot out...I was planning to take the kids to the Sylvan waterslides Thursday but I won't/can't now...plus it makes packing up harder on Friday if I am gone all day Thursday...so maybe next week.

Summer is going by so fast....ugh. I just don't want the kids to go back to school :o( Its been SO much fun with them...

In August our plans are:

1) Go to Sylvan Lake waterslides
2) Go to Sask to visit dad and his new house
3) Go to Fort Edm. Park (kids love it there, thats easy to do!)
4) Go to Calaway Park (gotta, as we do it every year!)
5) Get Macks supplies bought and done (Kennedy's already done!)

Sept plans:

1) Re-do the kids rooms
2) begin to paint the house
3) plan to return to work Oct....

Thats about it....

Monday, August 04, 2008

jane and Val

I can't get into your blogs anymore. Val you sent me the link and I bookmarked it on the other computer (which doesn't work at this point, hasnt worked for a few weeks!!!) but can you please re-email it to me!!!!! THanks!!! And I promise to comment :o)

Jane, for some reason my invite is expired! Can you please email me anther invite!


I will update tomorrow....tired!