Hey, I'm Cfmommy!

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Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Well yesturday was a great day! We went to Wild Waters on the west end of Edmonton. Its awesome there! I can NOT believe that I have never taken the kids there before! Wow. They LOVED it. We were able to bring in a cooler, so we stocked it with subs for lunch, fruits for snacks and tons of drinks as it was so hot! We were there 12:30-7 pm when it closed. It was soooooo much fun! Then we got home, relaxed on the deck together and watched the lightening for a while. We were all in bed/asleep by 10:30pm. I'm trying desperately to get them on a bit of a routine...as school is in in 1.5 weeks!!!

Today, I slept in late (11am). The kids are taking turns sleeping in my bed with me (Yes, even Mack...he's the mommy's boy!) tonight its Mack's turn...things have been really good. I scrapbooked for a few hours today...I'm impressed with how much I have gotten done! Then we went to the mall as my Blackberry isn't charging..and Rogers doesn't fix PDA's or Blackberrys in their store...(annoying!) so I have to call them and see what to do (its still under warranty) in the mean time...I really HATE not having a cell. Then, we went and got the new Hannah Montanna 3-D concert movie and the Camp Rock movie that both came out today (sigh). Kennedy has 2 neighbor girls over...they are in the basement right now...watching it. I fed them supper and I will be making them popcorn. Plus I bought (get this!) H.M cookies! (yup, Hannah Montanna cookies!)...we already have the sandwitch bags for school too...*sigh*...

I'm going to clean up a bit around here...and just relax. Maybe go down and scrapbook for a while again...and hopefully be in bed at a decent time again...

Tomorrow, if its not 'yucky' I'm gonna take the kids to Fort Edm...Thursday I will completely clean the house and make a good supper for my husbands return :o) I can't wait to see him!

Anyhow..thats Tuesday...thus far.

1 comment:

Kylie's Mom said...

Gramma bought Kylie the Camp Rock movie...she keeps watching it over and over again. She's crazy about the Jonas Brothers :D .