And I am sad. I know its only for a few days but still...*I* feel 'homesick' knowing he will be so far away. At least when he was in Calgary I *could* have driven there if I had too...and knowing that made me feel better. But now I am all alone. He set the alarm for 3am, we did fall asleep at 1:30am...but the alarm didn't go off. So thankfully I woke up at 3:54am and was in a panic. He jumped up and showered and off we went. On the way to the airport, he started to cry (my poor husband!) and I felt so sad. He took my hand and said he wished that I was going and so on...he's so awesome. We did our hugs and kisses good bye and off he went to security. I brought Bandit along for company with me for the drive home. I got home and we both crawled back into bed...and slept for a little while. Fabe texted me when he got to Calgary at 6:30am. He was suppose to depart at 8:30am but due to fog in San Fran he was delayed until 10:30AM!!!!! He was suppose to get the connceting flight at 12:30 in San Fran but I havne't heard anything from him...I hope all is okay. I'm sure it is. He is suppose to be in Salt Lake at 4pm but I don't know beacuse if he missed the connection then who knows. Poor guy...
Then he will be home Thursday, work Friday. Off for the weekend to the lake. Then, he works Monday and Tuesday then he goes for his fly in fishing trip until Sunday...all this time without him. I don't like that....and the location of the fishing trip is really really remote so I doubt that I will get to talk to him much. And we talk ALOT of the phone throughout the day. My friend asked me what do we talk about so much? I don't know...he's my best friend. So just like I talk to them, I talk to him. I NEVER run out of stuff to talk to him about...I just don't.
I snuck in a card for him. I know that he didn't want to I thought that this might make him feel better. Its a nice card and I filled up both sides...telling him how much I will miss him and how much I lovehim and yaadaayaadaa....he will be happy to see that. I added some pics of the kids in there of the ones I just got developed.
Well, today I layed in bed watching tv until 12:30pm and then went downstairs to eat something. A knock at the door startled me, as I wasn't expecting anyone. It was Fabes brother. Too funny. I was in panties and a tshirt so I told him to 'turn around' so I can run up and get was SO funny. He was working in the area so he stopped by to see the kids. He had lunch and a drink and then headed off. My neighbors were outside and I walked him out to show him the trailer...I was in my pj pants and a tshirt and my hair is flying around as I took it out of the ponytail this morning when I got back from dropping off fabe. Its pretty funny to think what they are thinking..they know Fabe is gone...and here is me looking like I JUST crawled outta bed...walking this big black guy down the driveway....hahahahaha...
Anyhow...the kids willbe home soon. The house is messy. We need food. So I guess I will go scrapbook for a while before doing I can do that stuff whenthe kids get to the cool basement....
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