Hey, I'm Cfmommy!

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Saturday, August 23, 2008


Well guys I won't be here for a few days...we were SUPPOSE to leave to the lake last night but it was becoming too late and what not. So we are up early and off to the lake lot for the weekend (well I guess only one night!) *lol* But we are leaving the trailer out there and then coming home Sunday night...Monday and Tuesday here, then Tuesday night out to the lake again...Fabe will be off to his fishing trip for 5 days so mom and I and the kids are gonna stay at the lake from Tuesday night-Monday. That will be a long time there, but you know what? It will be the LAST trip of the summer to be out during the week!!!!So sad. Then after this trip-it will be weekends...then nothing. Put the trailer in storage and we're done with it =o( How sad.

I stopped by my friends house yesturday for a visit. She was having a garage sale, so we chatted for a while. They were laughing at me, that I don't want the kids to go back to school. I don't. I honestly DO NOT. Its nice to be on the routine of school, but I LOVE this time with the kids....nothing to worry about. I love the relaxed life of being with them, and not pushing them anywhere. School is SO hectic and ugh, I dont know...she said I am the ONLY mother she knows that is NOT happy the kids are going to be back at school....to me, thats sad. They are only this age once and we will never get back these days. I know in a few years, I would be willing to give anything to go back to 'these' days...so I want to totally cherish and enjoy them...maybe if my kids were younger and driving me crazzzy, then maybe I would have wanted them to go back...but I LOVE this age for them....

Anyhow, I better get ready!!!!!!!!

Talk to you all Monday!


Kylie's Mom said...

I completely agree...I loved this past summer with the kids. I wish it wouldn't end!

7jays said...

well, my kids are older and I am more than ready for them to go back!! My youngest(not foster) needs the routine and discipline of a school day and the other two fight like cats and dogs!! I just want some quiet days!
I loved having them home and being able to go to the lake and take vacation but the days we stayed home or they had friends over where just .........arghhhh.
Yes, its time for school to start!

Jane said...

Lets be fair though Val - you and I both have a lot more children around - of vastly different ages and neither of us have moms in the area who give us breaks (whether that be overnight or not) the way Tara and Susan do - so we're in totally different situations than Susan and Tara.

I think you're very fortunate Tara to be in your situation - you've had a very easy Summer with many breaks from your two easy children. (which you deserve after your hospital stays etc and I'm really happy for you!!! But not many parents are that fortunate.

I know I'm looking forward to the peace of the school week after my very stressful Summer - not because my children have caused me stress but because of situations that have happened in the UK and because of my renovations, Abigails diagnosis etc. I know I need some 'me time' that I have not been able to get so easily during the school holidays.

I love having my children home normally and we've had a wonderful summer making many wonderful memories but, like Val, I'm ready for school to start because I'm ready for 'me time' - I also have 5 children VERY excited about getting back into class - especially my highschooler who can't WAIT for the new year to begin :)

Cfmommy said...

And also ladies, I haven't been at home with them for the past year ;o) So thats why more then ever I am happy to be at home with them...thats a big difference!!!!