Hey, I'm Cfmommy!

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Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Hello all :o)

Today was another great day! I enjoyed breakfast with the kids then got them off to school. I came home, showered and made the beds, etc (the usual morning routine). Then, I had a hair appt for 10am, so I went to that. At first, she was going to foil in more blonde and match it with the (bottom) blonde that was in there. Then, she said "well what about a bold darker color to contrast with the blonde?" so she LEFT all of the blonde in there, used chocolate brown foils and mixed it up with a blonde chunk and a brown chunk. It turned out really really good. I love it! Then, she took off a few inches of my long hair. It was WAY to long for me...middle of the back. Long enough, that when seated my hair would come forward and rest on my chest...too long for me. So, its a little shorter then I wanted..but at least the dead split ends are gone and my hair looks healthy. As well, she did long layers. Something that my *old* sylist said I should have because my hair is too fine. But today my *new* sylist said "no no no, you have lots of hair and its fine but thats WHY you need to give it some lift" so lift is has :o) Of course, you know I will never get it to *this* style again though. Oh well...

Then, I went to Canadian Tire and bought some door handle covers/protectors. Couldn't find them ANYwhere the other day but got them today. As well I bought a fire extinguisher too. Almost all ready for the new dayhome. I'm meeting with the family of the *little* baby in 30 mins...I am SO hoping I get him. As well there are 2 other families who are waiting to see if I get him, as they both have 12 months olds...we need more dayhomes for just babies!!!

I didn't end up getting the pics developed like I had wanted to do. Instead I came home and finsihed the last of the laundry and then did a quick sweep and mop of the floors. Fresh feeling. As well, I tried out a new recipe tonight for 'their' supper (remember I am on NutriSystem!) it was Soy Sauce chicken...I did sneak in a tidy piece. Omg, it was SO good. You mix sour cream (1 cup)and 1/4 cup of soy sauce and pour it over the breasts and bake it covered for 1.5 hours. It was really soft..and yummy. If Kennedy eats it, you know it is 'that' good. I made mashed potatoes with it and a side of mixed veggies.

I love making supper, with no rushes. I love being at home to do these things. Life is just easier...

Tomorrow, I might go for coffee to a fellow Lp'ers in the morning. If not, I will forsure be hitting up Goodwill. Tomorrow is early day for Kennedy. And I was thinking about taking the kids to do something afterschool. We'll see..not sure what to do...but we'll find something. Of course, they are totally enjoying the new park (JUST opened!!) so they are out until close to bedtime each night...they might not even wanna do anything...who knows?

If I don't 'do' coffee, then my plan is to get the summer pics developed. Then this weekend I can get some scrapbooking time in...I can't justify doing it during the day when there is a million other things to do..and I don't know if I could do it. I should try...

Friday, will be a good cleaning of the house (bathrooms, dusting and floors again) then we can relax on the weekend.

have a good night!

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