And I am getting alot of stuff done around here. While I am missing the kids, I love being able to clean the house without feeling guilty that I should be done something with them.
Yesturday, I completely cleaned the basement. Like COMPLETELY! Its soooo organized and clean down there now...Love it! Then I went to Micheals and bought some scrapbooking stuff and FINALLY remembered to take in my 5 Native Art prints to be framed! I can't wait to get them back! Yeah!!!! Then I picked up Kennedy and we stopped for slushies and came home to supper. We ate turkey meatballs, cream of mushroom soup and rice. We have began switching to red-meats to more white meats and hopefully we will only eat red meats once a week. We'll see.
Today, I have washed our bedding so far. Cleaned all bathrooms, cleaned Kennedy's room, hauled up HUGE piles of laundry (still needs to be put away!) and then I am going to do do the floors up here and be done with up here. Maybe, I will do the mainfloor mind you I have running around to do so maybe later tonight I will do the mainfloor...its easy down there as its kepts pretty clean.
Next week;
*trailer needs to be cleaned and ready for winter storage
* car needs to be completely cleaned out and (ready for winter)
*take the steam cleaner to the warranty place get repaired
*pick out paint and start painting!!!!
Then on the 15th I have a lady from a dayhome agency coming, to (hopefully) approve me. I am starting a (small) dayhome with only 2 children. I thought about this for so many years now, and with my job being 'done' and gone I thought that this is a great time to do it! So I am going too! Plus, with an agency and being a level 3 there is a (very good) amount of money each month for JUST having chidlren in my care and being with I only want to take 2 chidlren to be able to offer really, good quality care. I'm excited about this new adventure. I thought about going out of the home to work, but I really want to be there for my kids afterschool and yet, keep my foot in the door in the child care field. So this is it! So that will be really new for me!!! But I'm really, really looking forward to if you know anyone looking for children (wink wink!)
Make yourself a dayhome website and get it out on all the search engines (that's where all my calls come from) And from
I get calls mostly for 1 - 2 yrs of age.
I love having my dayhome, and that I am here for my kids.
thanks :o)
I will check out the site!!!
No prob!!! Let me know once you are in business, I always get people asking if I know of anyone else.
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