It is COLD outside!
Yes, it IS cold. We live in Alberta. We have brutal winters, I know this.
But come on...people calling in sick, people not sending their kids to school (bussed rural kids, I totally understand), but I mean...really. Its going to be cold all week. Should we all stay home and hibernate in our houses because of a few days of freezing temps? I know it would great if we all could but we really can't....
Anyhow, today was crazy. The kids bus wasn't running so I dropped them at school. A coworker's car was stuck so she asked me to pick her up..I did that.
Got to work. We have hardly any heat...brrrrrr....we will have to see about what to do..
The kids wanted to stay at home as Fabe is off today. I was like "nope!" especially my ds he doesn't need an excuse to not go to off they went.
Work is dead. So funny how much the world stops because its
Anyhow. Gotta go!
Here here! :)
I totally agree, Tara.
I couldn't agree more!!
I'm happy I'm in a rural area then :) I loved having the kids home - we had a house full for a while and its been great fun! I don't need to go anywhere this week so we'll probably stay home lots :) it's a nice excuse to cuddle up at home :)
I think any excuse to stay home is nice but then, terrible mother that I am, I kept DD home last week to go swimming...and then DS stayed home Thursday to come out for breakfast with me lol.....I wish my Mom had given us days off like that when I was little :)
But then I don't think school is that yes but not school...and I don't particularly see the two as being connected ;)
I do agree with you Jane. I 'give' my children mental health days off too. But those are days that just happen...not because 'oh its cold out lets skip out on school' because my mom did that to me. And I pretty much decided when I was going to go to school.I learnt that it wasn't very important and did not good in school. Only as an adult (19) I went back to school to upgrade and get my marks up to college level to be accepted. I would love a 'reason' (no busses, bad highways, etc) but I live in the city, schools are open (not everyone relies on the bus here) and I have no barriers (walking, little ones, etc). I feel for the kids, they need to not use the weather as an excuse...because in the real world you cant just not go to work because it is cold outside...
Now, *if* we lived out of town and used the busses, then I would reconsider. Because there is an actual barrier there. I totally agree with 'days off' for fun things! In fact, my sister just asked if the kids can miss school the 27th of Feb to go to the waterpark with her...totally. I guess I see the difference is that its kinda a 'reward' for all of the hard work that they do...everyone loves a day off...
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