Hey, I'm Cfmommy!

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Friday, February 29, 2008


Yeah, its Frrrrriday! And payday..so thats even better!

This week has been good, but very tiring. Work was busy this week, as expected. But then I come home and have my nephews and my sisters nanny to kinda entertain. But its okay...its been a great week. Much better then what I thought it was going to be. They will be staying at my house over spring break too, as my sister and her husband are going to Mexico for a week. I will forsure take off a day then and take the kids somewhere...maybe swimming or something special. We'll see.

This weekend, I am not sure what we will do. My sister is leaving tomorrow, I think. So I will clean up from her. Last night Mack stayed overnight at a friends house...so that was nice for him. Tonight, not sure what we will do. I rented some movies for the daycare, so we can watch them. And who knows what else? Tonight my sister is going out with her friends, and her nanny is staying at one of her frineds houses...so it will be just Tanner and us. I will try to clean what I can tonight...I will hopefully go visit a friend Sunday...as I haven't been to her house for a long time and she is feeling down :o)

Other then that...not sure what else will be up.

Next week I need to get our criminal record checks done...and our CWIS checks done. We are going to foster on the weekends (one weekend a month) only. I always have been in a helping position. I am a 'rescuer' and a helper by heart. So-thats why I took social work. But now, I am not doing social work. So I feel that I am not helping. Then I don't feel like its rewarding...I dunno. I don't think that I want to foster full time right now, but the Y has a weekend respite program and even 1 weekend a month will be good for me...the same child...and hopefully we can make the child feel like a part of our program. So we'll see. I have a feeling that I want to foster, but I am not 100% certain so this is better then jumping right into it...we already did the interview and we are all approved. But we just need to get the checks in place. I look forward to another little one, that we can take to the lake and do family things. With this progam, its giving parents a break and they aren't foster chidlren..its high needs children.

But anyhow, I better go...

Tara :o)

1 comment:

7jays said...

I wish you were done now cause I have a little one I need respite for and could sure use a familiar face to place him with! hope it all goes well with getting set up!