Hey, I'm Cfmommy!

I hope you will enjoy my blog! Come back often, and I LOVE comments :o))))

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Tomorrow is my day off work. I always pack Thursdays so full. My Weight Watchers and the kids are off school early these days. But the good thing is that Fabian is off tomorrow as well. Normally we sit at home all day together and get NOTHING done. But tomorrow, I am dropping off the kids at school and heading straight to the U of A hospital where I will visit Tina and her little guy, Connor. He has been in the hospital on and off since the birth of her son 2 months ago. He has been pretty sick. Well, a few of us donated 100.00 total to give to her to help her out with parking, food and what not. As I know all to well that it adds up so much. So I will go and see her for a while. Then WW then home. I wanted to shop for a new bedroom suite but we'll see. My spring project is painting some walls in this house...its sooooo boring.

Anyhow, Kennedys at dance class so I have to go and get her!


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