Hey, I'm Cfmommy!

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Saturday, December 16, 2006

Saturdays Baking!

Reece bars!!!

The little mini-cakes (read more about them below!)
Aren't they CUTE!!!!!
I love them!!!!
Peanut Butter-Choclate chip bars (well, stars!)

Yummy! So NOT good for WW!!!!

Today I am preparing to go to my friends Christmas party. But I had a few hours to kill and was really in the baking mood ( no FABE not THAT kind of baking!!!!) and so I pulled out some new recipes to try out! Plus, I bought those "fun shapes" tins things from Sobeys in shapes. I bought the star ones and OMG they are AWESOME!!!!!! In fact, I had 17 of them leftover so I made a cake batter and poured it in and it turned out awesome! They are on my white board of things to buy again! On Friday I will bring some to Kennedys party, Macks class and my work for a party! I am not sure what to make for everyone tho. But the cakes are such a great idea for kids to decorate their own..they are so cute!!!! All the baking is now in the freezer! Yeah, I feel like I actually got something accomplished off my 'to do' list!!!!!

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