We really enjoyed the RV show when we went and we are considering buying a new trailer. Not because of the show, actually we had considered that a while before the RV show. Our trailer is PERFECT for us-BUT it doesn't fit us well. We should have bought a model with a double over single. Mack is a big kid, and he doesn't sleep on the single bunk anymore so its just Kennedy. The WHOLE reason we bought a trailer with a bunk area was so that we didn't have to fold a couch out or anything like that to let the kids sleep...and we are doing that already! We didn't pay alot for our trailer so it shouldn't be too hard to sell it. We will start the RV shopping after we move and after Vegas but hopefully have it before May 1st! Camping season kick off! I looooove camping! With not working this summer-its gonna be great :o) I plan to spend ALOT of time with the kids out there so we forsure need a better suited trailer...
Also, the new trailers come with there outdoor kitchens...how smart is that???
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