Hey, I'm Cfmommy!

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Thursday, November 08, 2007

I shouldn't even admit this.....

The pile of expired, yukcy, non-liked food that was donated, thrown out or taken to work...

After: The pantry usually is pretty organzied however now everything in here is still that we will eat...its not expired or wasted...

But I cleaned the panty out the other night. And well, it was so sad to see the amount of food we wasted! Horrible. Now I did sort out what I can dump into the foodbank bin. As well, since Amanda is pregnant (my foster sister, she lived with us since she was 4 years old for
12 years!) she is almost 19 and pregnant. She is very broke....so I put aside alot of food for her to take home when she is over on Saturday! But yeah....still lots had expired...just a waste!


Kylie's Mom said...

Your pantry is so pretty...makes me very jealous LOL.

Jane said...

so glad it isn't just me that ends up with things out of date!