Hey, I'm Cfmommy!

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Sunday, October 07, 2007

A wonderful Sunday!!!

Yeah, no work tomorrow!

Today was a great day! I didn't sleep in very late (8:30am) the Brick called to tell me they will be here between noon and 2pm. I took off the tape from painting in the bathroom and Macks new room. Looks lovely! Then I did the finishing touches and cleaned the bathroom (Painting is SUCH a mess!). Then, I went to vote. My boss, who is east Indian had asked me to vote for this lady. So I told her fine, every vote counts. But today the time came to vote, I went to the Acca Centre on 91street and immediately seen that this is clearly an ALL East Indian event! Omg, so I called her on her cell and we laughed about me being the only white person..haha. But I did it. And I was the ONLY white person. LMAO!!!!! I was about to have an anxiety attack and run out of the emergency door exit. It was soooooo traumatic..seriously! I told her she owes me BIG!!!! Then, I went to Ikea to find some red accessories for the newly painted red bathroom. I found a nice bathmat, big red flowers and some other stuff. But my BEST find was a red chair. ( I will add pics tomorrow!) Its a comfy adult chair. Its soooo modern and contemporary. So nice. It will be a great contrast to the dark grey in Macks new room. His room will be dark grey, suttle black hues and a bright red for contrast. It will look great! I love the chair!!!

Oh yeah, my furniture came. Wow, its a great deal!!!!! So I bought an area rug (already!) for it down there, some lamps, candles, more accessories, comfy toss blankets and some other little things. I hung up the pictures down there. Its so comfy now! Pics will be here tomorrow! So thats all done. We need to get Macks new room in order before starting to move anyting down there. Thankfully his bed is down there already and one dresser but we will move the other down there...it will be an easy move.

Then, I went to Micheals as I had a 50% coupon to use up...can't let it go without using it! So I bought a (excuse my horrible spelling)...decoupage (?) set. And some plates, little cardboard stuff. I want to make a place for the kitchen with our family pic in it, for displaying up high on top of the cupboards. Also, I bought some canvas sheets. For Macks new room I used the dark grey paint and my red bathroom paint and didn't big lines on the canvas to hang up on his wall...to 'blend' the colors together.

I was busy this weekend, huh?

Macks soccer coach called. He made tier 2-3 for soccer...1 being the best and 7 the worst. So he didn't do bad at all. He will be pleased. I don't care what he makes, as long as he is having fun. Soccer is the same night as gymnastics. So I will drop him off, drop Kennedy off pick him up, pick kennedy up. Good by to my Goodwill shopping days while she is at gymnastics. BUT you know what? I am happy they are both on the same night...means more home time during the week. He has soccer games every Saturday tho...oh well.

We just watched Desperate Housewives on the tv in the basement. Fabe is still down there enjoying the new couches..they are just so comfy!

Well I am going to read in bed, not sure what book. But, I will find something....God knows I only have 50 to pick from :)


1 comment:

Jane said...

Yes you have been busy but the house sounds so good now! Good for you! I have no interest in doing anything to this house until the renovations are done next summer - for now it just ahs to stay as it is as it will all be covered in dust and chaos for months!