I regret to inform you all that I am missing something that has belonged to me for many years. It was developed in part from my beautiful child, Kennedy. You see, when she was born it was a very stressful situation and because she was taken to the U of A by the NeoNatal Transport team when she was ready to be discharged to come home with me...istead she was whisked away to the U of A instead. I had no time to really heal and began living out of the hospital for the next few weeks. I ate every day at the caferteria and never got to breast feed my baby, but could pump. Many days of sitting in a rocking chair while she was on life support, waiting for 'something' to happen. I would go 10 hours without eating somedays and other days I wouldn't eat at all. When she woke up and we could hold her, I would sit rocking her all day wishing nothing would interupt this time...not even eating or hungry pangs. When she got out of the hospital, it brought along other stresses. Her diagnosis of Cystic Fibrosis and her extreme colic. I had no 'me' time. It was rough. In her first few years of life she was in the hospital at least 10 times for weeks at a time....I ate at the hospital. I NEVER had the chance to get rid of the weight that I gained with her...
However. Missing: 20 pounds!
I did it! I hit 20 pounds today!!!!!
You should be so proud. You are doing an amazing job!
good job!!! i still have my hospital weight :( although i'm on the right track -- 5lbs lost so far!
I found your blog through...hmmmm I think Escaping the City. Anyway, just had to comment.
Congratulations on your success! It's a big feat.
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