It was a great weekend. Saturday we headed out to the lake. It was a beautiful day! We greeted everyone there, got to spend lots of time with my little nephews. We quadded lots and enjoyed the weekend. The neighbors were out there this time, so the kids were thrilled as they are the same sex and age as them. They have quads too, so they do the loop all together. Saturday night there was lots of fire works going off, we did a few too but saved the rest for Canada day on Sunday. We hung out around the fire until some really scary clouds came and it began to get windy and raining...we all went in..but Fabe, Greg (BIL) and my Uncle Wayne all stayed out until 4:00 AM!!!! Drinking some beers!!! Sunday was absolutely a beautiful day! We enjoyed breakfast all together and the men and my kids went to Elenor Lake to get a truck load of fire wood from my aunts lake lot...they returned 3 hours later with a HUGE load. Oh, and in this time Fabe's brother, sister and parents came out for the day. It was lovely! We BBQ'd supper and ate all together with the children playing around us. Sunday night we did our fireworks, they were awesome. As well, lots of the other people had them going off. Today, it was just my mom and us as my sister and her family left last night. Fabe's parents just came up for the day on Sunday. But today we cut the grass. I tried out the new gas trimmer, and then created a path in the trees half way down to the lake...the kids LOVE it. They are truely inspired now, since we watched the Bridge to Tarabithia and now they can't wait to get back there and build a 'club' house with the left over material from the cabin..they need to find their tools. This weekend, we are off to Fort Mac for my little nephews birthday, he's going to be 2. Then we come back Sunday, and Wednesday my mom is taking them out to the lake until Sunday. But I think that I will join them Saturday morning, Bandit and I will go out there for the night. As Fabe will be working anyhow. I have really enjoyed the lake this summer. Its so nice that its all set up now. We all have clothing out there so we don't need to have the hassle of packing anymore...and hey, my mom takes the kids clothes back with her to wash and take out I can't complain about that! Today, we got LOTS done. We set up the kitchen better with shelves and everything. Its sooo nice now. We are taking the trailer home soon, and adding on to the cabin. Right now, its a half cabin...In the cabin is a bedroom, living room and kitchen area then a door that is attached to the trailer and the trailer has a kitchen area and beds and what not. But we are going to add a big room and have a bathroom, another bedroom and a little den area. It will be a good size. Next year is the big expensive year, as services will be about 30,000 for the sewer, water and gas. We already have power...but the rest of it will be costly! Thankfully, its between the 3 of 10,000 each is pretty good.
My mom drove home with the kids, as we had the truck (no DVD player in there) but my moms car has one, so they went with her. Fabe and I drove home in peace (lol) and got home, I watered the grass and my flowers. Washed our laundry and tided up. The kids came home, all showered and clean (thanks mom!) and they had time for a snack and bedtime. Their clothes are laid out for tomorrow, and I have to work and they have daycamp.
I am very happy schools over, as I get to sleep in 1 hour later and go to work 1 hour later and leave at the same time as before (4)!!! Yeah for me :)
Have a great week :)
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