Hey, I'm Cfmommy!

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Thursday, July 12, 2007

So yeah.

I got the Gov't job and am suppose to start on Aug 1st. The job that I really, really wanted is a temp position, wage position...about 2 months she said. But the second up job, is a foot in the door=so yeah. Its kinda annoying as I really really wanted the other job. But today I spoke with a person who does the job that I really really wanted and she told me that she has never seen anyone only work 2 months (temp position) go to nothing. She said that you always always go to perm. So yeah, I dunno. Now I am thinking that I shoud have went for the interview. Grrrrr, I mean I *like* the job that I got, but its not really 'me' But the other job is TOTALLY me and I waaaaaant it. I would have doubted it, I would have cried if I would have gotten it...so yeah. I called the HR lady back after cancelling the interview and asked her for a time for an interview. I look totally unstable about now, But I am only following my dreams and passions and THAT job is MY dream and passion. It kicks ass in pay too, but its NOT about the money...its about what I do really really good at...but yah. We'll seeeeee...


Jane said...

Wishing you lots of luck for your interview - I hope the dream job is yours :)

joanne said...

Go for your dreams, Tara.

Cfmommy said...

And my interview is Monday at 3:15pm!!! SCARY!!!!!

Jane said...

Thinking of you this afternoon!

joanne said...

How did your interview go?