Hey, I'm Cfmommy!

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Wednesday, July 04, 2007


Yeah, ALREADY!!!!

So, the week has flown by! Gotta love 4-day weeks..and I have ALOT of them coming up in the next little while...thankfully :)

So, I STILL am waiting to hear about the Gov't job but I have a good feeling. The assistant of the HR lady use to call me and tell me all of the things that I need then now its just the lady who calls me. They need 1 more professional reference and I couldnt' find one. Its been hard...so finally today I took a BIG chance and caved in and gave them my current bosses number. Its was practically life or death people!!!! So, hopefully I will have A job..lol! So, anyhow. She told me, 'we can't offer a position to someone unless all of the references and checks are done and we are only waiting on this one reference....the interview went good and your ability testing was good this is all that we are waiting on" so then I thought, oh well. My job isn't going anywhere...and I will just have to find myself out of this one. So we'll see how it goes.

I should know really soon...as its been almost 2 weeks (and they told me they will decide in 2 weeks) so we'll go from there!!! Yikes! I just have to consider the whole driving downtown thing! And working until like 4:30 pm. Other then that, if the salary is right then I will take it. Starting was only what I am making now, so they need to make it a little more attractive for me...ya know.

So the kids went to my moms house for the next 2 nights...they are in a daycamp with my moms foster girl "R" is back...at my moms house now. Her placement broke down, and we couldn't take her this time, so my mom did..how sad hey? So She was here with the kids since Sunday and my mom took them all to her house tonight until Friday and then Friday they are heading to Fort Mac for the weekend for my nephews b-day....I don't think that I am going to go now, as I will have to drive up alone and I don't feel like it.

Anyhow, I wanna watch the news and go to bed...



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