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Thursday, September 02, 2010

Lists lists lists...

I have tried to figure out ways to keep track of the groceries we need; but its been a great challenge for me. I bought the Smart Shopper, which is awesome you record what you need and the items comes up...its itemizes into categories of a grocery store (Dairy, dry goods, produce, meats, etc) and you press print and it prints off a list for you to take to the store. Its good because you can add things and record new things. But I still to my old ways; good ole paper and pen...and a dry erase board...we have 3 lists going at a time...crazy!
What do YOU do?

1 comment:

Kylie's Mom said...

I'm so anal with my grocery lists...I absolutely hate coming home from shopping, just to realize that I forgot something. I'm happy to see I'm not the only one like this :)